Professor Mario Garcia-Sanz
Keynote Topic: "Unveiling ATLANTIS: Control Co-Design of Floating Offshore Wind"
Biography: Prof. Mario Garcia-Sanz is currently a Program Director at ARPA-E, with the U.S. Department of Energy. He is an expert on control systems, and a veteran of the European wind energy industry. He has straddled academia and industry, having held appointments at the University of Manchester, Oxford University, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the European Space Agency, the Public University of Navarra, CEIT research center and Case Western. He worked as a Senior Advisor for many European wind energy companies, electrical utilities, and corporations, and holds over 20 patents, published over 250 research papers, and written three books. He has been the principal investigator of over 50 industry research projects. At ARPA-E he proposed and developed the ATLANTIS Program on floating offshore wind, the SHARKS Program on tidal and riverine energy, and is leading the efforts on grid technology with the NODES Program and microgrid research.

Leif Delp
Keynote Topic: "Executing large scale commercial floating offshore wind projects"
Biography: Leif Delp is head of Floating Offshore Wind Technology at Equinor.