Thursday, June 27, 2019
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Dr. Jen-Yuan (James) Chang
Distinguished Professor
Department of Power Mechanical Engineering
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Deputy Director
Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent Manufacturing Systems Research Center
Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Research Laboratories
Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), Taiwan
“Opportunities of Magnetic Recording and Data Storage in Smart Machines and Manufacturing”
Abstract: Topic of smart manufacturing has drawn significant attention in recent years due to its importance in Industry 4.0, its influence to industry sectors and its alignment with nation’s strategic investment to leverage a nation’s competitive strengths. The basic tents for smart manufacturing are the smart machines, which offer digital solutions including hardware and software components for corporates and enterprises to possess key technologies of smart sensors, smart actuators and smart controllers to be able to compete in the world arena. Starting from introduction of key elements and principles for smart machines, smart manufacturing will be discussed in the context of 5Cs, cyber-physical systems, artificial intelligence and digital twins in its ecosystem comprising machines, platforms and services. The focus of this talk will then be placed on discussing opportunities of magnetic recording and date storage technologies that can be implemented and applied in smart machines to improve manufacturing precision and accuracy and to transform traditional factory into digital manufacturing. An example of the speaker’s recent R&D efforts will be given to illustrate how magnetic recording technologies can be of greater used in the precision smart machines.
Biography: Jen-Yuan (James) Chang received Ph.D. degree from Carnegie Mellon University, USA in 2001. His research interests are vibrations and control, precision magnetic recording and data storage devices, robotics, smart machines and manufacturing. His work in the aforementioned areas has been the subject of numerous publications in international journals and conferences. Dr. Chang received several awards including the Outstanding Contribution Award and Distinguished Institution Award from ASME ISPS; the Outstanding Teaching, Research and University-Industry Collaboration Awards from NTHU and most recently the Outstanding Research Award from Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan. He is a Fellow of the ASME.
ISPS Banquet Dinner and Distinguished Speaker*
Thursday, June 27, 2019
6:30 PM – 9:00 PM
Faculty Club, Atkinson Pavilion and Patio
*Included with full registration. Tickets for guests can be purchased at the registration desk for $50. Space is limited and tickets may not be available onsite.
The ISPS conference banquet will recognize the exceptional achievements and dedication of the numerous leaders within the Information Storage & Processing Systems community. The evening will begin with a Distinguished Lecture by Professor Frank Talke, University of California, San Diego, Center for Memory and Recording Research (CMMR) San Diego, CA. The Award Ceremony will include award presentations to winners of the ISPS Student Fellowships and Conference Scholarships.
Professor Frank Talke
University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA
Center for Memory and Recording Research (CMMR)
San Diego, CA
Title: 35 Years of CMRR-Present, Past, and Future
Abstract: CMRR was established in 1983 as a center of expertise for the advancement of magnetic recording storage technology. The time in the early 1980 ‘s was a time of unprecedented growth of the computer industry, with the demand for digital storage devices exceeding the supply. 14-inch disk drives, floppy disks, and flexible tape drives were the main products on the market. More than 50 different companies were competing in this rapidly developing branch of computer technology. Many companies from Asia started to enter the field of data storage at that time, and it was becoming apparent that the technology would soon find very strong competition from Asian companies.
Two of the industrial leaders of the technology at that time, Jim Lemke from Spin Physics and Art Anderson from IBM, saw this change coming and proposed the establishment of the Center for Magnetic Recording Research (CMRR), to educate highly trained students, postdocs and visitors, to work in the data storage industry in the United States. At the time of the founding of CMRR, four endowed chairs areas were provided, namely, in recording physics (Professor Bertram), in physics of magnetic materials (Professor Berkowitz), in signal processing (Professor Wolf), and in tribology and mechanics
(Prof. Talke).
CMRR has seen large growth over the last 35 years, changing its name recently to Center for Memory and Recording Research, to indicate the increased scope of research being conducted. The Center is pursuing leading edge research with support from Government and industry and is a focal point for research in the computer and storage industry. In addition to data storage related activities, nano-engineering projects are pursued actively by faculty associated with CMRR, and new research areas such as biomedical devices are part of the present research activities.
Further details about the presence, past and future of CMRR will be presented.
Biography: Dr. Talke began his career at the IBM Research and Development Laboratories in San Jose, California, in 1969. He joined the department of Applied Mechanics and Engineering Science at UC San Diego in 1986.
Dr. Talke made important contributions in tribology of magnetic recording systems and in the development of a prototype drop-on-demand color ink jet printer. He performed pioneering studies in applying laser Doppler vibrometry to hard disk drives, and in studying novel lubricants and additives for the head/disk interface.
More recently, Dr. Talke has become interested in medical device technology, studying 3-D printed disposable endoscopes and miniaturized intraocular pressure sensors for implantation in the human eye.
Dr. Talke has authored/co-authored more than 350 archived journal articles. He holds 11 patents with two pending.
An ASME Fellow, Dr. Talke most recently served as member of the Committee on Honors (2011-17). He received the ASME Medal in 2008, the Mayo D. Hersey Award in 2010, and the Tribology Gold Medal in 2010. Dr. Talke is a Fellow of the STLE and the IEEE. He became an Honorary member of ASME in 2018, and was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1999.
Dr. Talke received his Diplom-Ingenieur degree from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1965. He earned his master’s and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1966 and 1968, respectively. He holds an honorary doctorate from the Technical University of Munich (TUM), Germany.
Keynote Luncheon Speaker
Friday, June 28, 2019
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Auditorium, 1st Floor
Antanas (Tony) Daugela, PhD
President, Nanometronix LLC
Title: Nanomechanical Test Instruments: Touching the World at Nanoscale
Abstract: Advances in nanotechnology and all derived products would be impossible without nanoscale metrology instruments, specifically, Atomic Force Microscopes (AFM) and Nanomechanical Test instruments. While AFMs are providing surface shape measurements with sub-nanometer resolution, nanoindentors measure critical mechanical properties such as nanohardness and elastic modulus derived at the few nanometer depth levels. Material scientists/engineers use the surface topography and material properties data in designing and optimizing most of the products today. For example, coatings on contact lenses, glasses, cover of iPhone, nanofiber based modern clothes were designed with the help of those instruments. Modern automotive, pharmaceutical, biomedical R&D and manufacturing control strongly depend on nanomechanical test results.
The main difference between an AFM and a nanoindenter is that nanoindenter can be modelled by a single DOF mechanical system eliminating uncertainties of the probing stylus geometry. A retrospective view on instruments design brings us to the classical nanoindenter configuration that consist of a voice coil actuator and a precision 3 plate capacitive sensor where center plate hangs on a precision low stiffness suspension. A capacitive sensing and actuation is another popular design alternative which minimizes temperature drift. A piezo actuator and multiple capacitive sensors configuration is a popular design for instruments that can be operated at higher (up to 1N) loads and still have 1nm resolution. Other configurations consisting of laser/photodiode, LVDT sensing did not withstand a trial of time. In-situ scanning nanomechanical test instruments combined both worlds, i.e., AFM type imaging with materials properties measurements. The last decade was an indeed in-situ instrumentation era where integration of nanomechanical test instruments with SEM, Raman, multi-wavelength microscopy and spectroscopy, tribometers and high temperature/vacuum chambers took place.
The ISO/ASTM standards for quasi-static instrumented nanoindentation targeting elasto-plastic metallic materials behavior were developed and adopted at the beginning of 2000s. The other testing modes such as dynamic, viscoelastic and nanoscratch were standardized very recently in order to accommodate polymers and biomaterials research needs where quasi-static measurements felt short. Passive and active acoustic methods have been explored in conjunction with nanomechanical tests for nanoscale fracture and materials phase transition investigation.
Data storage and particularly Hard Disk Drive industry has a special relationship with nanomechanical test instrumentation and, therefore, contributed a lot to their development. More than a decade ago HDD DLC overcoats became ~2nm thick. Since then the state of the art capacitive sensing technology of nanoindentors was not able to provide sufficient resolution for reliable material properties measurements. Nevertheless, the current recipes for HDD DLC overcoats quantitative characterization still rely on the combination of sclerometric measurements and AFM resolution imaging.
Biography: Antanas (Tony) Daugela received IE doctorate from the Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania (1996) and PhD in ME from the Gifu University, Japan (1997). He was a posdoc at the CMRR/UCSD in 1997– 98. In the following 18 years Tony held senior staff scientist/lead engineer positions at Hysitron, CETR and Seagate. His interest is nanoscale metrology. He developed 4 commercialized nanomechanical test instruments one receiving the US R&D-50 award. Tony holds 7 US patents and has 20+ journal publications. He presented work worldwide, participated in development of the ISO nanoindentation/nanoscratch standards. Tony founded Nanometronix LLC and is a president since 2017.