The OMAE Conference, annually organized by the OOAE Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, uninterrupted reissued over more than four decades, has undoubtedly consolidated itself as the main international forum for Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. Bringing together participants from academia, industry and research institutions, the OMAE thematic has been continuously updated, year after year, unveiling substantial and essential developments in the field and recently pointing out to emerging topics associated with the sustainable use of the Ocean's resources and the so needed generation of renewable energy.
On behalf of the OOAE Division, serving this year as its Executive Committee Chair, I have the privilege of inviting you to participate in the 44th edition of our conference, the OMAE2025, which will take place in Vancouver, Canada, returning to the Americas after visiting three continents, Europe, Oceania and Asia, in the post-pandemic period.
With the tireless and diligent work of the Technical Program Committee, the Local Organizing Committee and the various volunteer members groups, and with the decisive support of ASME's OOAE Division staff, we are delighted to offer authors and attendants an exciting and innovative technical program.
Welcome to the 44th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering - OMAE 2025.We look forward to seeing you next June, in the beautiful city of Vancouver!
Celso Pesce
OOAE Division Chair
Professor of Mechanical Sciences
University of São Paulo