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Turbo Expo 2024 > Students > Student and Early Career Engineer Conference Activities

Student and Early Career Engineer Conference Activities

ASME's IGTI Division, in conjunction with the Student Advisory Committee (SAC), offers many opportunities for students, as well as early career engineers. These include networking events, experience reviewing papers, and even Turbo Expo travel awards. Read more on these and other benefits of getting involved below.


Looking to kickstart your networking for the conference week ahead? Join the ASME IGTI and SAC's fast-paced networking and student mixer event, taking place on Sunday, June 23rd. This event provides an excellent opportunity for students to connect with experienced professionals from around the world and expand their professional network.

At the event, students can participate in up to three roundtable discussions with distinguished ASME IGTI Technical Committee Chairs, where they can ask questions, build relationships, and learn how to develop long-term connections with IGTI. In addition, students can enjoy complimentary refreshments and mingle with their peers in a relaxed atmosphere, setting the tone for a productive and engaging conference week.


Organized by the IGTI Turbo Expo Student Advisory Committee and the Early Career Engineer Programming Committee

Michael Alley
Teaching Professor, Engineering Communication
Pennsylvania State University

Abstract: In the presentation of our gas turbine research, our most important goals are that the audience understands, remembers, and believes the presentation's content. However, all of us have a secondary goal—namely, that we present with confidence. In a presentation, we are tested on two types of confidence: (1) the confidence that we feel inside ourselves and (2) the confidence that we project to the audience. Building on the ASME online workshop given in May on the assertion-evidence approach, this workshop at IGTI discusses how to achieve both types of confidence.

About the Speaker: Holding a master of science in electrical engineering and a master of fine arts in writing, Michael Alley is a teaching professor of engineering communication at Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of The Craft of Scientific Presentations (Springer, 2013), which has been translated to Japanese and Chinese, and The Craft of Scientific Writing (Springer, 2018). Over the past decade, he has taught presentations and writing to engineers and scientists on four continents. Sites include Google, Harvard Medical School, MIT, Texas Instruments, the University of Oslo, and the University of Michigan. In addition, Alley's websites on presentations and on writing are leading websites for presenting and writing as an engineer or scientist.


Information coming soon.


The Student Poster Competition is a major event organized by the SAC at Turbo Expo. Presenting a poster is an excellent opportunity to display research outside of a paper while still contributing to the continuing advancements in the turbomachinery community. To be eligible to present a poster, the presenting author must have completed the research presented on the poster while seeking a degree at a university at an undergraduate (Bachelor's) or graduate level (Master's or PhD). Submit your research and contribute to the continuing conversation on advancements in turbine technology.

For more information, visit the Student Poster Competition Page.