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VOLT Workshop

The VOLT Academy is pleased to present a special leadership workshop for volunteers attending the ASME Annual Meeting in Long Beach, California.

Storytelling to Motivate and Inspire
Telling an authentic and personal story can be one of the best forms of persuasion. Stories can open people’s minds and help them to see from a different perspective. As we strive to ensure ASME is an organization that values difference and welcomes all, we need to be able to tell the stories that will show the way and inspire others to join us.

Learning Objectives
As a result of attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Hone your unique perspective
  • Craft a persuasive message
  • Inspire and motivate your audience

Date & Time: Monday, June 3, 2:00-4:00pm.

Marc Santos

Facilitator: Marc Santos has over 15 years of experience in engineering consulting, policy analysis, technology evaluation, business development, and more recently founding a start-up. He is a longtime ASME member and volunteer, including service as the 2008 ASME WISE Intern, member of the Committee on Government Relations, 2019 ASME Congressional Science and Engineering Fellow in the Office of Senator Chris Coons, and Vice Chair of Programs for the Volunteer Orientation & Leadership and Training (VOLT) Academy. Marc holds a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts Amherst and a M. E. in Environmental Engineering from Manhattan College and is a licensed Professional Engineer in California and Texas.