Track 1: Fluids Applications & Systems (FASTC)
Track Organizer: Alexandrina Untaroiu, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
Track Co-organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Description: The focus of Fluids Applications and Systems Technical Committee (FASTC) is to promote the advancement and dissemination of fluids engineering research and technology in several wide-ranging single- and multi-disciplinary topic areas. These include such traditional disciplines as fluid power systems, turbomachinery, automotive flows, and industrial fluid mechanics, and can include less traditional topics such as environmental engineering, chemical processing, or fluid vibrations and acoustics. FASTC was formed in 1990 by combining the Fluid Machinery and Fluid Transients Committees, as well as the applications portion of the Fluid Mechanics Committee. The Fluid Mechanics Committee was founded in 1956, and the Fluid Machinery Committee was originally founded as the Pumping Machinery Committee in 1938. The Fluid Transients Committee evolved from the Waterhammer Committee, which was founded in 1931 as the first Technical Committee in the then Hydraulics Division (later Fluids Engineering Division) of ASME. Since the 1990 merger, FASTC has expanded its scope to include a broad range of traditional and emerging technology topics within the general area of applied fluids engineering. The FASTC is particularly interested in engaging professionals in industry as well as academia, and to increase the interaction among and between the two.
Topic 1-1: Fluid Machinery Symposium
Topic Organizer: Kwang-Yong Kim, Professor, Inha University
Topic Co-organizers:
Upendra Rohatgi, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Jinkook Lee, Principal Engineer, Eaton Aerospace
Hans-Josef Dohmen, Chair for Turbomachinery, Univ. of Duisburg Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Yoshinobu Tsujimoto, Engineering Science, Osaka Univ., Osaka, Japan
Shouqi Yuan, Research Center of Fluid Mach. and Engr. Tech., Jiangsu Univ., Jiangsu, Zhenjiang, China
Yangjun Zhang, Dept. of Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China
Young Seok Choi, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, Cheonan, Korea
Yutaka Ohta Waseda, University, Tokyo, Japan
Dr Sebastian Schuster, University of Duisburg-Essen
Topic 1-2: Fluid Machinery Symposium
Topic Organizer: Alexandrina Untaroiu, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
Topic Co-Organizers:
Bruno Schiavello, Director Fluid Dynamics, Flowserve
Judith Bamberger, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Bo Qian, Zhejiang University
Topic 1-3: Atmospheric and Oceanic Flows
Topic Organizer: Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Topic Co-organizers:
Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Stefan aus der Wiesche, Professor for Thermal Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Muenster
Zhongquan Zheng, Department Head and Professor Utah State University
Aarthi Sekaran, Texas A&M Dept of Ocean Eng
Topic 1-4: Automotive Flows
Topic Organizer: Bahram Khalighi, General Motors Global R&D
Topic Co-organizers:
Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Stefan aus der Wiesche, Professor for Thermal Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Muenster
Topic 1-5: Combustion
Topic Organizer: Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Topic Co-organizers:
Bahram Khalighi, General Motors Global R&D
Stefan aus der Wiesche, Professor for Thermal Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Muenster
Topic 1-6: Environmental Flows
Topic Organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic Co-Organizers:
Jinkook Lee, Principal Engineer, Eaton
Alexandrina Untaroiu, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
Ramin Dabirian, Research Associate, The University of Tulsa
George Chamoun, Eastman
Topic 1-7: Industrial Fluid Mechanics
Topic Organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic Co-organizers:
Jinkook Lee, Principal Engineer, Eaton
Alexandrina Untaroiu, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
Ramin Dabirian, Research Associate, The University of Tulsa
George Chamoun, Eastman
Aarthi Sekaran, Texas A&M Dept of Ocean Eng
Topic 1-8: Fluid Power Systems
Topic Organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic Co-organizers:
Alexandrina Untaroiu, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
George Chamoun, Eastman
Emma Frosina, Assistant Professor, University of Naples
Javid Bayandor, Professor, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Topic 1-9: Multiphase Flow Applications
Topic Organizer: Alexandrina Untaroiu, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
Topic Co-organizer: Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Topic 1-10: Propulsion
Topic Organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic Co-organizers:
Hanxiang Jin, Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Tech
Sina Stapelfeldt, Research Associate, Imperial College London
Topic 1-11: Rotating Machinery / Turbomachinery
Topic Organizer: Alexandrina Untaroiu, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
Topic Co-organizers:
Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Yu-Tai Lee, Retired, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Vishal Jariwala, Elliott Group
Topic 1-12: Pipeline Transport in the Petroleum, Oil, and Gas Industry from Exploration to Delivery
Topic Organizer: Alexandrina Untaroiu, Assistant Professor, Virginia Tech.
Topic Co-organizers:
Judith Bamberger, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Burak Ozturk, VIAS and University of Houston
Topic 1-13: FAS Poster Presentations
Topic Organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic Co-organizer: Hanxiang Jin, Graduate Research Assistant, Virginia Tech
Topic 1-14: FAS Graduate Student Scholarship Competition
Topic Organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic Co-organizer: Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Track 2: Fluid Measurement & Instrumentation (FMITC) Track
Track Organizer: Stamatios Pothos, TSI Incorporated
Track Co-organizer: Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Description: The Fluid Measurements and Instrumentation Technical Committee (FMITC) is focus on measurement techniques and instrumentation issues relevant to fluid flow including industrial applications and experimental development. Modern fluids engineering embraces a complex spectrum of problems from the relatively simple case of isothermal, incompressible, single phase flow of Newtonian fluids to non-Newtonian multiphase flow with heat and mass transfer from the nanoscale to the macroscale and includes subsonic and supersonic flows, flows pertaining to environmental concerns, and large scale industrial flows. In all cases, experimental data are acquired and used, amongst other objectives to: lead to new discoveries, obtain fundamental information on processes, verify new theories, guide and validate the development of analytical and numerical models, and certify the performance of fluid machinery. Areas of focus include: noninvasive measurement techniques, measurements in environmental flows, MEMS for Fluid Measurements, chemical and biochemical sensing, global flow measurements, microfluidic flow systems, and others.
Topic 2-1: Fluid Measurement and Instrumentation
Topic Organizer: Stamatios Pothos, TSI Incorporated
Topic Co-organizers:
Soroor Karimi, Researcher, The University of Tulsa
Jun Chen, Associate Professor, Purdue University, School of Mechanical Engineering
F. Javier Diez-Garias, Professor, Rutgers University
Topic 2-2: Noninvasive Measurements in Single and Multiphase Flows
Topic Organizer: Bahram Khalighi, General Motors Global R&D
Topic Co-organizer: Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Topic 2-3: Fluid Dynamics of Wind Energy
Topic Organizer: Martin Wosnik, Associate Professor, University of New Hampshire
Topic Co-organizer: Ning Zhang, Professor, McNeese State University
Topic 2-4 Uncertainty Quantification in Flow Measurements
Topic Organizer: Stamatios Pothos, TSI Incorporated
Topic Co-organizers:
Soroor Karimi, Researcher, The University of Tulsa
Joel Park, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Div.
Topic 2-5: Novel Techniques in Fluid Mechanics
Topic Organizer: Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Topic Co-organizers: Soroor Karimi, Researcher, The University of Tulsa
Topic 2-6 Volumetric or Tomographic Techniques in Fluids Mechanics
Topic Organizer: Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Topic 2-7:Data Processing / Algorithms in Fluid Measurements
Topic Organizer: Stamatios Pothos, TSI Incorporated
Topic Co-organizer: Soroor Karimi, Researcher, The University of Tulsa
Topic 2-8: Experimental Facilities in Fluid Mechanics
Topic Organizer: Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Topic Co-organizer: Soroor Karimi, Researcher, The University of Tulsa
Topic 2-9: FMI Poster Presentation
Topic Organizer: Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Topic Co-organizer: Maximilian Passmann, Research assistant, University of Applied Sciences Muenster
Topic 2-10: FMI Graduate Student Scholarship Competition
Topic Organizer: Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Topic Co-organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic 2-11: FMI Flow Visualization Image Competition
Topic Organizer: Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Topic Co-organizers:
Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Justin Weber, General Engineer, US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Topic 2-12: FMI Flow Visualization Video Competition
Topic Organizer: Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Topic Co-organizers:
Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Justin Weber, General Engineer, US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Track 3: Fluid Mechanics (FMTC)
Track Organizer: Wayne Strasser, Associate Professor, Liberty University
Track Co-organizer: Jun Chen, Associate Professor, Purdue University, School of Mechanical Engineering
Description: Description: The Fluid Mechanics Technical Committee (FMTC) focus is understanding and supporting the fundamental fluid mechanics activities including turbulent and shear flows, unsteady flows, aerodynamics and hydrodynamics and unconventional or emerging topics such as advanced aerospace, marine or bio-inspired related fluid dynamics and energy. FMTC was founded in 1956 with R. C. Dean as the first chair.
Topic 3-1: Advances in Fluids Engineering Education
Topic Organizer: Ray Taghavi, Professor & Associate Chair, University of Kansas
Topic Co-organizer: Ivana Milanovic, Professor, University of Hartford
Topic 3-2: Aerospace
Topic Organizer: Javid Bayandor, Professor, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Topic Co-organizer: Yu-Tai Lee, Retired, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Topic 3-3: Fluid Power
Topic Organizer: Javid Bayandor, Professor, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Topic Co-organizers:
Fethi Aloui Professor, Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France (UPHF)
Sylvester Abanteriba, Professor, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Topic 3-4: Bio-Inspired and Biomedical Fluid Mechanics
Topic Organizer: Javid Bayandor Professor, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Topic Co-organizers:
Michael Plesniak Professor, George Washington University
Mory Gharib, Hans W. Liepmann Professor of Aeronautics and Bioinspired Engineering
D. Keith Walters, Professor, University of Oklahoma
Francine Battaglia, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University at Buffalo
Alexander Mata
Topic 3-5: Turbulent Flows
Topic Organizer: Kamran Siddiqui, Professor, University of Western Ontario
Topic Co-organizers:
Navid Goudarzi, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, UNC Charlotte
Hassan Peerhossaini, Professor, University of Western Ontario
Lyes Khezzar, Professor, Khalifa University of Science and Technology
Topic 3-6: Flow Manipulation and Active Control
Topic Organizer: Hassan Peerhossaini, Professor, University of Western Ontario
Topic Co-organizers:
Shawn Aram, Research Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Mihir Sen, Professor Emeritus, Notre Dame
Topic 3-7: Active Fluids
Topic Organizer: Hassan Peerhossaini, Professor, University of Western Ontario
Topic Co-organizers:
Shawn Aram, Research Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Mihir Sen, Professor Emeritus, Notre Dame
Topic 3-8: Transport Phenomena in Energy Conversion
Topic Organizer: Khaled Hammad, Professor, Central Connecticut State University
Topic Co-organizers:
Fethi Aloui Professor, Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France (UPHF)
Arvind Jayaprakash, Staff Engineer, A.O. Smith Corp
Ali Ogut, Professor, Rochester Inst Of Tech
Topic 3-9: Materials Processing and Manufacturing Processes
Topic Organizer: Dennis Siginer, Provost & Distinguished Professor, Botswana International University of Science and Technology & Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Topic Co-organizer: M'hamed Boutaous, Maître de Conférences (Associate Professor), CETHIL (centre D'Énergétique Et De Thermique De Lyon)
Topic 3-10: Transport Phenomena in Mixing Topic
Topic Organizer: Khaled Hammad, Professor, Central Connecticut State University
Topic Co-organizers:
Arvind Jayaprakash, Staff Engineer, A.O. Smith Corp Ali Ogut, Professor, Rochester Inst Of Tech
Ali Ogut, Professor, Rochester Inst Of Tech
Fethi Aloui Professor, Polytechnic University Hauts-de-France (UPHF)
George Papadopoulos, Principal / Director for Adv Programs, Innoveering, LLC
Reza Ziazi, Graduate Student, Oregon State University
Topic 3-11: CFD Verification and Validation
Topic Organizer: Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied SciencesTopic
Topic Co-organizers:
Jakin Jagani, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Elia Merzari, Associate Professor Penn State University
Yassin Hassan, Professor, Texas A&M
Stefan aus der Wiesche, Professor for Thermal Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Muenster
Joel Park, Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division
Topic 3-12: Boundary Layer Flows
Topic Organizer: S.A. Sherif, Professor, University of Florida
Topic Co-organizers:
Kadeem Dennis, University of Western Ontario
Stefan aus der Wiesche, Professor for Thermal Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Muenster
Topic 3-13: High-Speed Flows
Topic Organizer: Philipp Epple, Professor of Fluid Mechanics and Turbomachinery at Coburg University of Applied Sciences
Topic Co-organizers:
S.A. Sherif, Professor, University of Florida
Ivana Milanovic, Professor, University of Hartford
Stefan aus der Wiesche, Professor for Thermal Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Muenster
Topic 3-14: Vortex Dynamics
Topic Organizer: S.A. Sherif, Professor, University of Florida
Topic Co-organizers:
Navid Goudarzi, Assistant Professor, College of Engineering, UNC Charlotte
Ivana Milanovic, Professor, University of Hartford
Topic 3-15: FM Poster Presentations
Topic Organizer: Jun Chen, Associate Professor, Purdue University, School of Mechanical Engineering
Topic Co-organizers: Nicholas Noviasky, Graduate Student, University at Buffalo (SUNY)
Topic 3-16: FM Graduate Student Scholarship Competition
Topic Organizer: Jun Chen, Associate Professor, Purdue University, School of Mechanical Engineering
Topic Co-organizers:
Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Ivo Nedyalkov Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Track 4: Track 4: Multiphase Flow (MFTC)
Track Organizer: Marianne Francois, R and D Manager, Los Alamos National Lab
Track Co-organizer: Robert Kunz, Professor, Penn State University
Description: Description:The Multiphase Flow Technical Committee (MFTC) primary focus is the understanding of the mechanics of cavitation and its effects on machinery. Throughout the years the committee has broadened its scope to promote understanding and communication of all aspects of multiphase flow topics: liquid-gas flows, liquid-solids flows, gas-solids flows, or three phase flows. MFTC began as the Cavitation Committee in 1937 with L. F. Moody and R. T. Knapp as its first two chairs. The committee name was changed to the Polyphase Committee in 1972 and to its current name in 1982.
Topic 4-1: Numerical Methods for Multiphase Flows
Topic Organizer: Mike Kinzel, Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida
Topic Co-organizers:
Jesse Canfield, Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jie Bao, Computational Fluids & Nuclear Processes, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Marianne Francois, R and D Manager, Los Alamos National Lab
Topic 4-2: Experimental Methods for Multiphase Flows
Topic Organizer: Douglas Bohl, Assistant Professor, Clarkson University
Topic Co-organizer: Srinivas Swaroop Kolla, Research Associate, The University of Tulsa
Topic 4-3: Cavitation
Topic Organizer: William Straka, Research Engineer, Penn State/ARL
Topic Co-organizers:
Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Donald P. Sloteman, Director, Advanced Technology, Curtiss-Wright Corporation
Topic 4-4: Gas-Liquid Flows
Topic Organizer: Tim O'Hern, Retired, Sandia National Laboratory
Topic Co-organizers:
Stanley Ling, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Rigoberto Morales, Prof, Federal University of Technology Parana
Goodarz Ahmadi, Professor Of Mechanical Engrg, Clarkson Univ
Topic 4-5: Liquid-Solid Flows
Topic Organizer: Mark Duignan, Fellow Engineer, Savannah River National Laboratory
Topic Co-organizers:
Matthew Rau, Assistant Professor, Penn State University
Jaikrishnan Kadambi, Professor Emeritus, Case Western Reserve University
Vaclav Matousek, Professor, The Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Hydrodynamics
Goodarz Ahmadi, Professor Of Mechanical Engrg, Clarkson Univ
Topic 4-6: Gas-Solid Flows
Topic Organizer: Goodarz Ahmadi, Professor Of Mechanical Engrg, Clarkson Univ
Topic Co-organizers:
Brian Helenbrook, Professor, Clarkson University
Robert Kunz, Professor, Penn State University
Marianne Francois, R and D Manager, Los Alamos National Lab
Topic 4-7: Bubble, Droplet, and Aerosol Dynamics
Topic Organizer: Tom Shepard, Associate Professor, University of St. Thomas
Topic Co-organizers:
Haiwen Zhu, Ph.D Candidate, University of Tulsa
Goodarz Ahmadi, Professor Of Mechanical Engrg, Clarkson Univ
Ashkan Davanlou, Siemens Digital Industries Software
Topic 4-8: Interfacial Phenomena and Flows
Topic Organizer: Stanley Ling, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering
Topic Co-organizers:
Jie Bao, Computational Fluids & Nuclear Processes, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Marianne Francois, R and D Manager, Los Alamos National Lab
Topic 4-9: Erosion, Slurry, Sedimentation
Topic Organizer: Mark Duignan, Fellow Engineer, Savannah River National Laboratory
Topic Co-organizers:
Peyman Zahedi, Senior CFD Engineer, Virtual Integrated Analytics Solutions (VIAS)
Hadi Arabnejad Khanouki, Sr. R&D Mech. Eng., CFD Analyst, Halliburton
Goodarz Ahmadi, Professor Of Mechanical Engrg, Clarkson Univ
Gocha Chochua, Principal Modeling & Simulation Engineer, Schlumberger
Topic 4-10: Multiphase Flows in Petroleum Engineering
Topic Organizer: Srinivas Swaroop Kolla, Research Associate, University of Tulsa
Topic Co-organizers:
Joe Katz, Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Siamack Shirazi, Prof, University of Tulsa
Hadi Arabnejad Khanouki, Sr. R&D Mech. Eng., CFD Analyst, Halliburton
Rigoberto Morales, Prof, Federal University of Technology Parana, Brazil
Judith Bamberger, Senior Mechanical Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Topic 4-11: Multiphase Flows in Nuclear Engineering
Topic Organizer: S. Jun Kim, Computational Nuclear Engineer, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Topic 4-12: Compressible Multiphase Flows (Turbulent Mixing)
Topic Organizer: Marianne Francois, R and D Manager, Los Alamos National Lab
Topic 4-13: Open Forum on Multiphase Flows - Work in Progress
Topic Organizer: Robert Kunz, Professor, Penn State University
Topic Co-organizers:
Marianne Francois, R and D Manager, Los Alamos National Lab
Mark Duignan, Fellow Engineer, Savannah River National Laboratory
Deborah Pence, Professor, Oregon State University
Joe Katz, Professor, Johns Hopkins University
Tim O'Hern, Retired, Sandia National Laboratory
Topic 4-14: MF Poster Presentations
Topic Organizer: Robert Kunz, Professor, Penn State University
Topic Co-organizer: Amir Abdollahi Mofakham, PhD Student, Clarkson University
Topic 4-15: MF Graduate Student Scholarship Competition
Topic Organizer: Robert Kunz, Professor, Penn State University
Topic Co-organizers:
Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Track 5: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFDTC) Track
Track Organizer: Jingsen Ma
Track Co-organizer: Shawn Aram, Research Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Topic 5-1: Applied CFD
Topic Organizer: Zhongquan Zheng, Department Head and Professor Utah State University
Topic Co-organizers:
William Foltz, Graduate, McNeese State University
Yechun Wang, Associate Professor, North Dakota State University
Hairu Wang, Student, McNeese State University
Ning Zhang, Professor, McNeese State University
Topic 5-2: CFD Development
Topic Organizer: Zhongquan Zheng, Department Head and Professor Utah State University
Topic Co-organizers:
Aarthi Sekaran, Texas A&M Dept of Ocean Eng
Ashkan Davanlou, Siemens Digital Industries Software
Topic 5-3: DNS, LES and Hybrid-RANS/LES Methods
Topic Organizer: Daniel Garmann, Senior Research Aerospace Engineer, Air Force Research Lab
Topic Co-organizer: Aarthi Sekaran, Texas A&M Dept of Ocean Eng
Topic 5-4: Fluid Structure Interaction (including IBM)
Topic Organizer: Caleb Barnes, Research Aerospace Engineer, AFRL
Topic Co-organizers:
Christoph Brandstetter, Institute of Gas Turbines and Aerospace Propulsion Technische, Universitat Darmstadt, Germany
Yuqing Liu, Bechtel Oil, Gas, and Chemical
Yechun Wang, Associate Professor, North Dakota State University
Chengyu Li, Assistant Professor, Villanova University
Bo Yin, Associate Professor, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Topic 5-5: Computational Marine Hydrodynamics
Topic Organizer: Shawn Aram, Research Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Topic 5-6: Computational Turbulent Combustion
Topic Organizer: Chaitanya Ghodke, Senior Research Engineer, Convergent Science Inc
Topic 5-7: Optimization, Data-based Simulations, and Machine Learning
Topic Organizer: Elia Merzari, Associate Professor, Penn State University
Topic Co-organizers:
Justin Weber, General Engineer, US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory
Ashkan Davanlou, Siemens Digital Industries Software
Topic 5-8: Emerging Methods in CFD
Topic Organizer: Javid Bayandor, Professor, The State University of New York at Buffalo
Topic Co-organizers:
Sina Stapelfeldt, Research Associate, Imperial College London
Shanti Bushnan, Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University
Topic 5-9: Open Source CFD Applications
Topic Organizer: Gohar Shoukat, Field Engineer, Weatherford
Topic Co-organizers:
Amir Abdollahi Mofakham, PhD Student, Clarkson University
Muhammad Sajid, Assistant Professor, National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)
Aytekin Gel, ALPEMI Consulting
Topic 5-10: Applications of CFD in Medicine and Biomedical Systems
Topic Organizer: Yechun Wang, Associate Professor, North Dakota State University
Topic Co-organizers:
Yassin Hassan, Professor, Texas A&M
Zhongquan Zheng, Department Head and Professor Utah State University
Topic 5-11: Multi-physics Simulation
Topic Organizer: Bo Yin, Associate Professor, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Topic 5-12: Panel: Quantum Computing in CFD Panel
Topic Organizer: Elia Merzari, Associate Professor, Penn State University
Topic Co-organizer: Pratap Vanka, Research Professor, Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana
Topic 5-13: CFD Poster Presentations
Topic Organizer: Shawn Aram, Research Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Topic Co-organizer: Arum Yadav, Student, McNeese State University
Topic 5-14: CFD Graduate Student Scholarship Competitions
Topic Organizer: Shawn Aram, Research Engineer, Naval Surface Warfare Center
Topic Co-organizers:
Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Ivo Nedyalkov, Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Track 6: Micro & Nano Fluid Dynamics (MNFDTC) Track
Track Organizer: Nazmul Islam, Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Track Co-organizer: Mohammad Robi Hossan, Assistant Professor, Univ Of Central Oklahoma
Description: The Micro Nano Fluid Dynamics Technical Committee (MNFDTC) primary focus is the developing field of micro and nano fluid dynamics. MNFDTC provides a means of promoting the latest developments in the uses of fluid for micro-and nano-devices in mechanical, chemical and biological applications across research and industry. The track covers multidisciplinary research topics that include: micro-total-analysis systems (MicroTAS) and lab-on-a-chip applications; transport in biological and molecular systems; electrokinetic, electrohydrodynamic, and magnetohydrodynamic modeling and applications; flow and transport diagnostic and measurement techniques; micro- and nanoscale thermofluid science and devices; biologically enabled microfluidics; and sensors and transducers for interdisciplinary microfluidic applications.
Topic 6-1: Modelling and Simulation in Microfluidics
Topic Organizer: Mohammad Robi Hossan, Assistant Professor, Univ Of Central Oklahoma
Topic Co-organizers:
Jeff Darabi Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Haipeng Zhang, PhD Student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Ashkan Davanlou, Siemens Digital Industries Software
Topic 6-2: Micro- and Nanoscale Thermofluidic Science and Devices
Topic Organizer: Hongwei Sun, Professor, Co-Director Multiscale Thermal Science Laboratory, Associate Chair for Doctoral Studies University of Massachusetts Lowell
Topic Co-organizer: Jing Fan, Associate Professor, City College Of New York
Topic 6-3: Biologically Enabled Microfluidics and Biomicrofluidics
Topic Organizer: Jae Sung Park, Asst. Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Topic Co-organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic 6-4: Micro-Total-Analysis Systems (MicroTAS) and Lab-On-A-Chip Applications
Topic Organizer: Mohammad Robi Hossan, Assistant Professor, Univ Of Central Oklahoma
Topic Co-organizers:
Jalal Ahamed, Assistant Professor, University of Windsor
Jing Fan, Associate Professor, City College Of New York
Topic 6-5: Sensors and Transducers for Microfluidic Applications
Topic Organizer: Nazmul Islam, Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Topic Co-organizer: Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Topic 6-6: Optics and Photonics in Micro-and Nanofluidic Systems
Topic Organizer: Jing Fan, Associate Professor, City College Of New York
Topic 6-7: Digital or Droplet Microfluidics
Topic Organizer: Jeff Darabi, Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Topic Co-organizer: Hongwei Sun, Professor, Co-Director Multiscale Thermal Science Laboratory, Associate Chair for Doctoral Studies University of Massachusetts Lowell
Topic 6-8: Micro/Nano Fabrication Techniques for Microfluidics System
Topic Organizer: Jalal Ahamed, Assistant Professor, University of Windsor
Topic Co-organizers:
Jeff Darabi, Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Ashkan Davanlou, Siemens Digital Industries Software
Topic 6-9: Micro Fuel Cell and Microfluidic/Nanofluidic Based Energy Storage
Topic Organizer: Mohammad Robi Hossan, Assistant Professor, Univ Of Central Oklahoma
Topic 6-10: Complex Fluids and Nano-Particles
Topic Organizer: Jae Sung Park, Asst. Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Topic Co-organizer: Jalal Ahamed, Assistant Professor, University of Windsor
Topic 6-11: Engineering Education in Micro/Nano Fluidics
Topic Organizer: Nazmul Islam, Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Topic Co-organizer: Hongwei Sun, Professor, Co-Director Multiscale Thermal Science Laboratory, Associate Chair for Doctoral Studies University of Massachusetts Lowell
Topic 6-12: Energy Applications of Micro-and Nano-scale Devices
Topic Organizer: Mohammad Robi Hossan, Assistant Professor, Univ Of Central Oklahoma
Topic Co-organizer: Nazmul Islam, Associate Professor, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Topic 6-13: MNFD Poster Presentations
Topic Organizer: Mohammad Robi Hossan, Assistant Professor, Univ Of Central Oklahoma
Topic Co-organizer: Haipeng Zhang, PhD student, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Topic 6-14: MNFD Graduate Student Scholarship Competition
Topic Organizer: Mohammad Robi Hossan, Assistant Professor, Univ Of Central Oklahoma
Topic Co-organizers:
Kevin Anderson, Professor and Director Solar Thermal Alt. Renew. Energy Lab, Cal Poly Pomona
Ivo Nedyalkov Lecturer, University of New Hampshire
Track 7: Plenary Track
Description: The plenary track features notable invited speakers including recipients of the following awards:
- ASME 2019 Fluids Engineering Awardee for outstanding contributions to research, practice and/or teaching.
- ASME 2018 and 2019 Freeman Scholar Awardees for significant expertise in Fluids Engineering established by John R Freeman noted hydraulic engineer and scholar, 24th president of ASME.
- ASME 2019 Henry R. Worthington Medal Recipient for eminent achievement in the field of pumping machinery, systems and concepts established by Worthington Pump, Inc.
Topic 7-1: Plenary Speaker Prof. Howard A. Stone. Howard Alvin Stone is the Donald R. Dixon '69 and Elizabeth W. Dixon Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton University. His field of research is in fluid mechanics, chemical engineering and complex fluids.
Topic 7-2: Plenary Speaker ASME 2019 Fluids Engineering Awardee
Topic 7-3: Plenary Speaker 2018 ASME Freeman Scholar Awardee Prof Nadine Aubry, Provost Tufts University.
Topic 7-4: Plenary Speaker 2019 ASME Freeman Scholar Awardee.
Topic 7-5: Plenary Speaker 2019 ASME Henry R. Worthington Medal Awardee.
Track 8: Memorial Track - Professor Ephraim Sparrow
Description: A special symposium will be organized by the Heat Transfer Division in memory of Professor Ephraim Sparrow. Paper contributions for this Symposium are solicited from all relevant technical topic areas including personal recollections from the three programs.
Topic 8-1: Celebrating Prof. Ephraim Sparrow's Life and Research Contributions