The 7th biennial ASME India Oil & Gas Pipeline Conference (IOGPC) will be held on April 26 - 27 in New Delhi. Conference program will consist of 4 technical tracks and one Panel Discussion as listed below.
IOGPC is designed to share knowledge and inspire new technologies in the Oil and Gas transmission industry in India and worldwide. All papers will be peer reviewed and published by ASME.
The Technical Committee of IOGPC 2019 invites authors to submit technical papers per specific topics to be published by ASME and presented during the conference.
Interested authors are invited to send abstracts for the following topics:
Track 1: Materials, Design and Construction
- Current Technological Aids in Route Planning & Selection
- Modern Route Survey Techniques & Practices
- Essential Elements of Design & Engineering
- Geo-Technical Assessments
- Design Basis for Effective Corrosion Management
- Hydraulics & Surge Analysis
- Stress Analysis
- Material Selection
- High Strength Steels
- Line pipe specifications & Manufacturing
- Fittings, Valves, Isolation Joints, Scrapper Traps & Auxiliary Equipment
- High Performance Coatings including Joint Coatings
- Construction
- Trenchless Installation
- Pressure Testing
- Pre-Commissioning & Commissioning
- Compressor & Pump Stations
- Deep Water Pipelines
- Project Management
- Quality Assurance & Control in Design, Materials and Construction
- Design & Construction of Pipeline Installations & Facilities
- Pipe Supports
Track 2: Quality Governance in Pipelines
- Quality Assurance & Control in Steel Making & pipe manufacture, corrosion protection coatings, Valves, Flow Tees, Isolation Joints, Induction Hot bends, Pig Traps & Appurtenances
- Qualification & Testing of Valves for pipeline service
- Critical Inspection Stages in Pipeline Construction
- Automating QA/QC
- Dimensional Control of pipe and fittings
- Challenges in assuring quality of forged fittings
- Analytics in aid of Quality Improvements
- Documentation Chain
- Failure Analysis pipeline components
- Root Cause Analyses and Case Studies
- Training, Competence Building & Instilling Quality Consciousness in all the stakeholders of Pipeline Industry
Track 3: Integrity Management
- Establishing Pipeline Integrity
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Management
- Corrosion Damage Mechanisms
- Environment Assisted Cracking
- Corrosion Monitoring & Management
- Manufacturing & Construction Damages
- Structural Integrity
- Third Party Damages
- Modern Inspection Tools & Techniques
- Advances in In-Line Inspection
- Defect Assessment
- Dent Assessment
- Fitness For Purpose Assessments
- Direct Assessment
- GIS Applications in Pipeline Integrity Management
- Inspection Intervals & Scheduling
- Software Tools
- Pipeline Data Models
- Data Management
- Pipeline ROU Monitoring
- Pipeline Intrusion Detection System
- Leak Detection System
- Response to Integrity Assessments
- Repair Methods
- Composite Sleeves
- Managing Integrity of Ageing Pipelines
- Challenges in Integrity Management of Un-piggable Pipelines
- Emerging Inspection Techniques
Track 4: Safety and Integrity of City Gas Distribution
- CGD Network Design
- Design Basis for Corrosion Protection, Monitoring & Management
- Materials
- Construction
- Risk Assessment
- Integrity Assessment
- Safety Management
- Coordination with other Utility Companies
- GIS for CGD Network
- Integrity Aspects of Non-Metallic Pipelines
- Pipeline Corridor Monitoring
- Third Party Damage prevention
- Data Management
- Unconventional Inspection Techniques
Abstract Submission
Authors should submit a 400-word text-only abstract through the IOGPC2019 website. For assistance with submitting your abstract online, please view the author help manual or contact Kimberly Miceli, Manager, Conferences & Events.
Paper Publication Schedule
To submit an abstract for consideration for IOGPC2019, please follow the deadlines posted on the publication schedule. You will receive a confirmation and an assigned paper number on submission of abstracts to site. Late submissions may not be accepted.