Since 2012 ASME has yearly organized a Symposium on Verification and Validation. In the 2020 Symposium, we are organizing a Workshop to address the assessment of modelling errors at multiple set points using a Multivariate metric described in a supplement of the ASME V&V 20 Standard of 2009. A description of the metric that complies with the assumptions used for the proposed test case is available here.
The selected test case is a statistically steady, two-dimensional flow of an incompressible fluid over a flat plate. Experimental data is available from NASA Technical Memorandum 4062 several angles of attack at Reynolds number of 3 ´ 105. The selected angle of attack is a = 1º. In the present exercise, the angle of attack is supposed to be measured with an accuracy of ±0.2º. The mathematical model are the Reynolds-Averaged (time-averaging) continuity and Navier-Stokes equations supplemented with the SST k-ω two-equation eddy-viscosity model and two local correlation transition models: and . Participants are requested to determine the multivariate metric for different groups of set points that cover the three regions of the flow: laminar, transition and fully-turbulent regions. Two options are available for the participants:
- Use the data obtained with ReFRESCO.
- Perform simulations for the computational domain and boundary conditions given here using their own grids or those available here.
In the first option, numerical and parameter/uncertainties are not given and so they must be estimated by the participants.
The results will enable the comparison of the multivariate metric performance with the point wise procedure. Furthermore, the existence of results for two different models will allow to check if the metric provides a reliable quantitative assessment of the comparison between different models applied to the same problem.
Deadline for data submission is the 1st of May 2020. Participants are encouraged to present their findings in the Workshop sessions of the ASME Verification and Validation Symposium of 2020 (Track 1) and to submit their work to the ASME Journal of Verification, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification.
If you require more information please contact We look forward to seeing you at the next Symposium on Verification and Validation in May 2020.
Luís Eça, Rui Lopes, Filipe Pereira and Serge Toxopeus