Volunteering is one of the best ways to build your network and increase visibility of research and industrial fields vital for the Mechanical Engineering community. This would not be the successful conference it is without the time and dedication of the many volunteers from ASME technical divisions and committees! If you are interested in volunteering see the various opportunities below.
Program Volunteers
- Reviewer: Put your name and expertise in the database. Email Dan Papert if you are interested in becoming a reviewer
- Session Organizer
- Track Chair and Co-Chair
Sessions, technical topics, and roles are developed through ASME VVS 2021 steering committee. Review the list of tracks and topics for this year's ASME VVS2021 and email Dan Papert with the committees, tracks, and topics that you are interested in.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is the committee that oversees the Symposium itself. This is made up of volunteers from the V&V standards development committees. If you are interested in serving on this committee, please contact Kate Hyam with your interest and a two-page resume.
Role Descriptions
Reviewer – Provides authors with feedback on their paper submissions. Ensures that technical publication meet the quality standards of ASME. The responsibilities of a Reviewer are to:
- Follow the ASME Guidelines for Review;
- Use the on-line review form for your evaluation;
- Provide a separate file of your comments (PDF);
- Keep your Session Organizer informed of your progress.
Track Chair – The responsibilities of the Track Chairs include the following:
- Track authors in your topical area to make sure they have submitted a draft paper and are planning to attend the conference and present;
- Track reviewers and assist them in keeping to the schedule;
- Identifying and recruiting reviewers for papers in your topical area;
- Assist in reviewing papers if necessary;
- Serve as primary liaison and effectively communicate and implement decisions/tasks/deadlines with the Steering Committee.
Session Organizer – Session Organizers can be a Track Chair, one of the presenting authors or a volunteer. The responsibilities of the Session Organizer are to:
- Attend VVS 2021;
- Facilitate the session: Check authors in for each session;
- Review the presentations and help facilitate the Q&A session by preparing some appropriate questions and encourage all presenters to answer questions;
- Ensure the on-site success of the sessions in your topical area.
Steering Committee Members – The responsibilities of Steering Committee Members include the following:
- Oversee the technical content;
- Determine appropriateness and acceptance of abstracts submitted;
- Recruit Track Chairs and Session Organizers;
- Create accounts for Track Chairs and Session Organizers and assign all applicable rights and access to the web planning tool;
- Work with Track Chairs to monitor the paper review process;
- Assist in reviewing papers if necessary;
- Monitor the activity of Session Organizers and assist them as needed.