Track 1: Large Bore Engines
Chair: Matt Hart, Wabtec Corp.
Co-Chair: Muni Biruduganti, Argonne National Laboratory
Description: This track includes publications focused on large bore transportation (Rail, Marine, and off-road) and stationary engines (power generation, compressor stations, mining). Topics of interest include: Advanced Ignition Systems, Alternative Fuels, Novel Combustion Concepts and Diagnostics, Emissions Controls, and other relevant technologies applied on large bore engines.
Track 2: Fuels
Chair: Gregory Bogin, Colorado School of Mines
Co-Chair: Hailin Li, West Virginia University
Track 3: Advanced Combustion
Chair: Cosmin Dumitrescu, West Virginia University
Co-Chair: Gokul Vishwanathan, Propane Education & Research Council
Description: This track includes publications focused on advanced engine combustion strategies for transportation and stationary engines. Topics of interest include: Combustion Fundamentals and Thermodynamics, Novel/Advanced Combustion Concepts, and Combustion Diagnostics.
Track 4: Powertrain and Emissions Systems
Chair: Fabrizio Ponti, University of Bologna
Co-Chair: Richard Burke, University of Bath
Co-Chair: Shahrokh Etemad, Fairfield University
Description: In this track papers are accepted in the following areas:
- Modeling and diagnostics for emission and control applications (including combustion
- modelling, sub-system modelling, Modelling for HiL applications, sensor signal processing, on- board modelling for diagnostics)
- Innovative testing equipment and methods (including experimental emission measurement, catalyst formulation, Hardware-in-the-loop applications, Rapid Control Prototyping systems, design of novel test rigs)
- Novel control strategies and calibration methods (including advanced control applications, transient calibration methodologies)
- New sensing methodologies for emission, control, diagnostics and research applications (including new sensors, catalyst aging and performance evaluation, new applications of existing sensors to measure new quantities, sensors for production engines)
- Engine sub-systems (including new actuators and/or sensors used as part of auxiliary systems, testing and modelling of engine sub-systems such as air path, cooling, lubrication)
- Powertrain electrification (including engine operating within hybrid powertrains, engine design, development and control for hybrid applications)
Track 5: Fuel Injection and Sprays
Chair: Joshua Bittle, The University of Alabama
Co-Chair: Tiegang Fang, North Carolina State University
Description: This track includes publications focused on experiments and simulation on the broad topic of Fuel Injection and Sprays. Relevant works include those focused on new or developing fuel injection technology, diagnostics development, measurements and simulations primarily focused on expanding the knowledge of the fuel spray evolution, mixing, and combustion behavior.
Track 6: Numerical Simulation
Chair: Yuanjiang Pei, Aramco Americas
Co-Chair: Muhsin Ameen, Argonne National Laboratory
Description: This track invites publications focused on advancing numerical modeling of internal combustion engines on various dimensions. Topics of interest include new developments and novel concepts on: two-phase and reacting flow modeling, turbulence modeling, chemical kinetics, machine learning, and system-level modeling related to engines.
Track 7: Engine Design and Mechanical Development
Chair: Dan Richardson, Cummins Inc.
Co-Chair: David Rutledge, Cummins Inc.
Description: This track includes publications focused on engine design and mechanical development. Topics of interest include base engine systems including but not limited to Valvetrain, Power Cylinder, Fuel System and Turbo machinery.