PLEASE NOTE: ASME has not engaged any housing bureaus to represent or sell ICEM hotel guest room blocks.

Conference Venue
ICEM 2023 will be held at the International Conference Centre Stuttgart, one of the leading international meeting places which is located in one of Europe’s strongest economic regions. The convention centre is located across from the Stuttgart Airport and is just a short 5-10 minute walk from the airport’s arrivals and departures hall.
Local Hotel options (please note ASME doesn't not have an official ICEM room block, you can book your stay directly through the hotels or use other options not listed)
What to Do in Stuttgart
Getting to Stuttgart
By Air
Stuttgart Airport (STR) is located within a short walking distance from the conference hotels and has 400+ arrivals and departures each day to over 120 destinations.
By Train
There are direct connections to and from many national and international destinations with the urban railway (S-Bahn) Deutsche Bahn. The Journey from Paris or Zurich to Stuttgart takes just three hours.
By Car
The conference venue is easy to reach via the A8 motorway which runs right alongside the trade fair grounds.