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Keynotes & Plenaries
ICONE 31 > Keynotes & Plenaries

Opening Ceremony

Asif Arastu, Chair ICONE31
Hidehito Mimaki, Chair ICONE31
Jianqiao LIU, Chair ICONE31
Jiří Duspiva, Czech Nuclear Society


Thomas Costabile, PE

Thomas Costabile, PE
ASME Executive Director and CEO

WANG Shoujun

WANG Shoujun
President of Chinese Nuclear Society (CNS)

Chikako Iwaki

Chikako Iwaki
President-elect of The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)


Leon Cizelj

Leon Cizelj
Jozef Stefan Institute

Fellow ASME. Associate member of the Engineering Academy of Slovenia.

Head of Reactor Engineering Division of the Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Responsible for the strategic and operational leadership of the division active in the field of nuclear engineering and safety of nuclear installations.

Activities include research, postgraduate education, technical and scientific support to the Slovenian nuclear regulatory body and technical and scientific consulting to end users.

Full professor of nuclear engineering at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Faculty of mathematics and physics.

President of the ENEN (European Nuclear Education Network) 2016-2020 and European Nuclear Society 2022-23.

Member of the Board of Sustainable Nuclear Energy Technology Platform ( and European Technical Safety Organization Network

Member of the editorial boards of Nuclear Engineering and Design and Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations.

Ph. D. in Physics 1993, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Author or coauthor of more than 950 publications more than 200 interventions in the Slovenian mainstream media (energy, nuclear energy, COVID-19 epidemics).


The Plenary is on current status of nuclear power, including the operating reactors built since 1970s, new constructions, new designs including advanced reactors, nuclear power share in electricity production, nuclear industry initiatives, challenges and opportunities


YU Hongxing

YU Hongxing
Nuclear Power Institute of China

Satoru Yasuraoka

Satoru Yasuraoka
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI

Timothy Check

Timothy Check
GE Vernova


Session Organizers

Shripad Revankar

Shripad Revankar
Purdue University

YU Suyuan

YU Suyuan
Tsinghua University

Hidehito Mimaki

Hidehito Mimaki
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries

Rosa Lo Frano

Rosa Lo Frano
Pisa University


The plenary on the future of nuclear power, examines the roles of nuclear power in energy production in future to address global warming, new designs and capability to cater new demands in energy including non-applications, varied applications of nuclear power including propulsion and transport, chemical and hydrone production, integrated system with renewables.



Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research and Design Institute

Hideki Masui

Hideki Masui
JAIF (Japan Atomic Industrial Forum)

Jiří Duspiva

Jiří Duspiva
Czech Republic

Xavier Pitoiset

Xavier Pitoiset
Westinghouse Electric Company LLC

Session Organizers

Yassin Hassan

Yassin Hassan
Texas A&M University

TAN Sichao

TAN Sichao
Harbin Engineering University

Tomio Okawa

Tomio Okawa
The University of Electro-Communications

Guoqiang Wang

Guoqiang Wang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

The plenary on Small Modular Reactor -Global Perspective examines SMR development, types of SMRs, international collaborations, construction potentials, economic impacts, and SMR applications.


Igor Pioro

Igor Pioro
OntarioTech University

Liu Baoting

Liu Baoting
CGN Clean Energy Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Petr Vácha

Petr Vácha
Czech Republic

Silvana Jirotkova

Silvana Jirotkova

Session Organizers

Leon Cizelj

Leon Cizelj
Jožef Stefan Institute

LIU Xiaojing

LIU Xiaojing
Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Kimitoshi Yoneda

Kimitoshi Yoneda
CRIEPI (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry)

Jovica Riznic

Jovica Riznic
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission)