Volunteering at IMECE is one of the best ways to build your network and increase visibility of research and industrial fields vital for the Mechanical Engineering community. IMECE would not be the successful conference it is without the time and dedication of the many volunteers from ASME technical divisions and committees! If you are interested in volunteering for IMECE, below is a logical succession plan to acclimate you to the responsibilities of each role.
IMECE Program Volunteers
- Reviewer: Put your name and expertise in the database. Email Keli Bell-Cole if you are interested in becoming a reviewer or contact the track chair
- Session Organizer
- Topic Organizer
- Track Co-Chair
- Track Chair
Sessions, technical topics, and roles are assigned and developed through ASME technical committees, most of which meet during IMECE! See the list of committee meetings. In addition, look at the list of tracks and topics for this year's IMECE here. Then, email Stacey Cooper with the committees, tracks, and topics that you are interested in so that she can connect you with the appropriate organizers.
Congress Steering Committee
- IMECE Member-At-Large
- Technical Program Vice-Chair
- Technical Program Chair
- General Conference Chair
- Steering Committee Vice-Chair
- Steering Committee Chair
- Steering Committee Senate Chair
The Congress Steering Committee is the committee that oversees IMECE itself. This is made up of volunteers who are established researchers with several years of volunteer experience in IMECE, often including time as a Track Chair. If you feel you are eligible and would be interested in serving on this committee, please contact April Tone with your interest and a two-page resume.
Role Descriptions
Reviewer – Provides authors with feedback on their abstract and paper submissions. Ensures that IMECE submissions meet the quality standards of ASME. The responsibilities of a Reviewer are to:
- Follow the ASME Guidelines for Review;
- Use the on-line review form for your evaluation;
- Provide a separate file of your comments (PDF);
- Keep your Session Organizer informed of your progress.
Session Organizer – Session Organizers are generally one of the Topic Organizers or Topic Co-Organizers, although frequently they can be one of the presenting authors if deemed to be eligible by the Topic Organizer. The responsibilities of the Session Organizer are to:
- Create a name for your session(s);
- Assign reviewers to the papers in your session;
- Track authors in your session to make sure they have submitted a draft paper and are planning to attend the conference and present;
- Track reviewers and assist them in keeping to the schedule;
- Assign additional co-organizers as needed;
- Attend IMECE;
- Facilitate the session: Check authors in for each session. Read their biographies and make sure they do not go over the time they are allotted to present and answer questions.
Topic Organizer & Topic Co-Organizer – Topic Organizers and Topic Co-Organizers are appointed by the Track Chair with recommendations sought from the divisions and technical committees participating in the track. The responsibilities of Topic Organizers and Topic Co-Organizers include the following:
- Oversee the technical content of your topical area and its organization;
- Serve as primary liaison between Track Organizers and Session Organizers;
- Determine appropriateness and acceptance of abstracts submitted to your topical area;
- Assign Session Organizers and Co-Organizers;
- Create accounts for Session Organizers and assign all applicable rights and access to the web planning tool;
- Monitor the paper review process;
- Assist in reviewing papers if necessary;
- Monitor the activity of Session Organizers and Co-Organizers and assist them as needed;
- Ensure the on-site success of the sessions in your topical area.
Track Chair & Track Co-Chair – Track Chairs and Track Co-Chairs will be appointed by the Technical Program Chair (TPC). Recommendations for Chairs and Co-Chairs for a track shall be sought from the divisions participating in the track. In addition, the TPC will consult with ASME staff and the prior TPC regarding appointments to these roles. Track Chairs and Track Co-Chairs should be rotated periodically. These positions will work as part of a multi-division team to develop a coherent multi-disciplinary track. The responsibilities of the Track Chairs and Track Co-Chairs include the following:
- Generate a series of topics that will form a cohesive program that will draw significant attendance and participation;
- Oversee the technical content and quality of the Track technical area and its organization, including the paper review process;
- Assign and manage Topic Organizers to oversee Track topic areas;
- Identify and recruit speakers for the track plenaries;
- Serve as primary liaison between Technical Program Chair and a Track’s Topic or Session Organizers;
- Effectively communicate and implement decisions/tasks/deadlines to Topic Organizers;
- Participate in the monthly Track Chair teleconferences called by the Technical Program Chair;
- Keep the Technical Program Chair informed of Track health and activity;
- Serve as primary liaison to the chairs of their Track’s participating Divisions;
- Provide input to the Technical Program Chair on scheduling and other IMECE logistics.
Technical Program Vice-Chair – Primary responsibility of the Technical Program Vice Chair is to observe and participate in the planning of IMECE in preparation for Technical Program Chair role the following year. This includes participation in Technical Program Committee and Congress Operations Committee meetings as well as any other meetings relating to the planning of IMECE. The Technical Program Vice Chair will also assist the Congress Technical Program Chair with various tasks of IMECE. Typically, the Technical Program Vice Chair would take on one or more activities supporting the technical program such as the poster session(s) for IMECE, the Undergraduate Expo, or special symposium or industry related programing.
Technical Program Chair – The Technical Program Chair has responsibility for all major aspects of programming, within the constraints of time, space and financial resources, and will regularly report to the CSC on IMECE status. This person will be responsible for identifying track chairs and track co-chairs with input from the Division Chairs, the General Congress Chair, and ASME staff to shape a quality technical program.
General Conference Chair – The primary mission of the Congress General Chair is to provide guidance to the Congress Technical Program Chair based on their immediate past experience organizing the prior IMECE. Specifically, the Congress General Chair should assist in the high level, strategic planning for IMECE including speakers for the Congress-wide Plenaries, consultation on the keynote, outreach to industrial groups and the local ASME section, marketing, and exhibits.
Steering Committee Senate Vice-Chair – The Congress Steering Committee Vice-chair will work closely with the CSC chair on strategic direction for IMECE. If the CSC chair cannot attend a meeting of the CSC, the CSC Vice-chair will organize and run the meeting.
Steering Committee Senate Chair – The Congress Steering Committee Chair will be responsible for chairing and organizing meetings of the CSC. The CSC Chair, in consultation with the CSC, will define the agenda and focus of the committee for the year. The CSC Chair is responsible for the revision and upkeep of the CSC Operating Guide. The CSC Chair will work closely with ASME staff to identify issues relating to the organization of the upcoming IMECE if they cannot be worked out through COC or other organizational structures. The CSC chair will also chair the executive committee of the CSC.