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IOGPC 2023 > Program > Pre-Conference Hydrogen Workshop

Pre-Conference Hydrogen Workshop

October 12, 2023 | 10:00 am – 05:00 pm
Sheraton Grand Brigade Road, Bengaluru, India

Neil Gallon

Mr. Neil Gallon
M/s Rosen Engineering

Neil Gallon is a Principal Engineer with the ROSEN Group in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, having previously worked for various consulting and manufacturing companies, including British Steel / Tata Steel and GE Wellstream. He holds a Master's degree from the University of Cambridge in Materials Science and Metallurgy.

Neil has 25 years' experience in materials and welding engineering. His current work concentrates on understanding the effects of gaseous hydrogen on steel properties and as part of this he has worked on multiple conversion studies and published >20 peer reviewed technical papers and journal articles on hydrogen.

Workshop Overview

Hydrogen developments all across the Globe, regulatory issues for blending with Natural Gas and other key challenges.

  1. How to evaluate the limiting factor of H2 % blending with NG for transporting through Pipelines which are designed as per ASME B31.8.
  2. Materials Compatibility Issues which need to be taken care;
  3. Issues related Gas Distribution network in case of blending.
  4. Design and construction issues with Hydrogen storage, Operations and Maintenance.
  5. Case study based on speaker experience.