Wednesday, April 20, 2022, 10 AM - 12 PM EST
This workshop will discuss current state of the art of vehicle-based inspection technology for inspecting track condition and degradation and wayside (track located) inspection technology for inspection of vehicles with a focus of inspection those vehicle conditions that can generate large wheel/rail dynamic forces. It will discuss the basic inspection technologies used, the range and scope of conditions addressed and the current state of industry application.

Dr. Allan M. Zarembski, P.E., Hon. Mbr. AREMA, FASME
Professor of Practice and Director of Railroad Engineering and Safety Program
Department of Civil and Envionmental Engineering
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Dr. Zarembski is an internationally recognized authority in the fields of track and vehicle/track system analysis, railway component failure analysis, track strength, and maintenance planning. Dr. Zarembski is currently Professor of Practice and Director of the Railroad Engineering and Safety Program at the University of Delaware's Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, where he has been since 2012. Prior to that he was President of ZETA-TECH, Associates, Inc. a railway technical consulting and applied technology company, he established in 1984. He also served as Director of R&D for Pandrol Inc., Director of R&D for Speno Rail Services Co. and Manager, Track Research for the Association of American Railroads. He has been active in the railroad industry for over 40 years.
Dr. Zarembski has PhD (1975) and M.A (1974) in Civil Engineering from Princeton University, an M.S. in Engineering Mechanics (1973) and a B.S. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from New York University (1971). He is a registered Professional Engineer in five states. Dr. Zarembski is Honorary Member of AREMA, Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) , and a Life Member of American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He served as Deputy Director of the Track Train Dynamics Program and was the recipient of the American Society of Mechanical Engineer's Rail Transportation Award in 1992 and the US Federal Railroad Administration’s Special Act Award in 2001 and the Fumio Tatsuoka Best Paper Award 2017 by the Journal of Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology.
Dr. Zarembski has authored or co-authored over 220 technical papers, over 120 technical articles, two book chapters and two books.