The 7th ASME Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference (MNHMT2023) will be held in Nottingham, UK, August 7 - 9, 2023. It is a follow-up conference to the first six conferences, which were held in Tainan (January 2008), Shanghai (December 2009), Atlanta (2012), Hong Kong (2013), Singapore (2016) and Dalian with over 300 attendees in each.
Research and education on micro/nanoscale heat and mass transfer have advanced rapidly over the last two decades through many dedicated individuals and team efforts, with direct impact now extending into various fields in both science and engineering.
The conference is intended to provide a forum for researchers, educators and practitioners around the world to exchange ideas on the state-of-the-art research and development and identify future research needs in this interdisciplinary emerging field. The conference will include keynote and invited presentations, contributed oral and poster presentations, as well as panel discussions on the current status and future opportunities.
Track 1: Micro/Nanofluidics and Lab-On-A-Chip
Track 2: Nanofluids
Track 3: Micro/Nanoscale Interfacial Transport Phenomena
Track 4: Nano/Microscale Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer
Track 5: Micro/Nanoscale Thermal Radiation
Track 6: Micro/Nanoscale Energy Devices and Systems
Track 7: Micro/Nano-Thermal Manufacturing and Materials Processing
Track 8: Micro/Nanoscale Heat Conduction
Track 9: Computational Methods in Micro/ Nanoscale Transport
Track 10: Heat and Mass Transfer in Small Scale
Track 11: Micro/Miniature Two-Phase Devices/ Systems
Track 12: Biomedical Applications of Micro/ Nanoscale Transport
Track 13: Visualization of Heat and Mass Transfer in Micro/Nanoscale
Track 14: Measurement Techniques and Thermophysical Properties in Micro/Nanoscale
Track 15: Poster Presentations