June 22, 2020 | 8:00 am – 5:30 pm
Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza (35 West Fifth Street, Cincinnati, OH)
This workshop is scheduled for June 22, 2020, before starting the Premier International Forum on Manufacturing Research (MSEC | NAMRC 48 | LEM&P)* in Cincinnati, Ohio.
* ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC) 2020
48th NAMRI/SME North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC)
JSME Leading Edge Manufacturing/Materials & Processing (LEM&P) 2020
June 22–26, 2020 at Duke Energy Convention Center Cincinnati, OH
Fee: $50 per participant (includes lunch and refreshments)
Please fill the application form (deadline: March 20, 2020). Selected participants will be notified with the registration information by March 31, 2020.
The Industry-Academia Collaboration in Advanced Manufacturing Workshop, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), is designed to encourage more fundamental collaborative research efforts between the academic manufacturing community and industry. A key concept is discussing research that aligns with the Manufacturing USA technology road maps by highlighting the challenges that are too fundamental in nature for the Institutes to support but which align with NSF core programs. We hope to have a diverse range of opinions present at the workshop. By participating in this workshop, you would have opportunities to:
- Hear the research challenges facing different Manufacturing USA Institutes and industries
- Hear strategies for building successful collaborations with industry and other academic fields
- Meet and share your ideas with key people from selected Manufacturing USA Institutes and NSF program directors
- Explore NSF funding programs and mechanisms
- Network with researchers in complementary areas
Speakers and Moderators:
Moderator: Dr. Thomas Kurfess, Chief Manufacturing Officer, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Dr. Brandon Ribic, Technology Director, America Makes
Dr. Thomas Bollenbach, Chief Technology Officer, ARMI | BioFabUSA
Dr. Haresh Malkani, Chief Technology Officer, CESMII
Dr. John Keogh, Engineering Manager, LIFT
Mr. Federico Sciammarella, President & Chief Technology Officer, MxD
Dr. Uday Vaidya, Chief Technology Officer, IACMI
Dr. Arnold Kravitz, Chief Technology Officer, ARM
Hitomi Yamaguchi Greenslet, University of Florida
Sangkee Min, University of Wisconsin at Madison)
Brigid Mullany, University of North Carolina at Charlotte