MED 100th Anniversary - Sponsorship Opportunities Available.
Online paper and presentation access will be available September 3rd
ASME will hold open help center calls to offer on the spot technical support for the new tool.
The MSEC 2020 paper submission process is complete. For the MSEC 2021 paper submission process, return here on or after September 4th, 2020.
Given the ongoing COVID-19 concerns, the in-person co-located conference of MSEC, LEMP and NAMRC 2020 has been canceled. The decision has been reached to protect the health and wellness of our community. Any already registered attendees should contact The University of Cincinnati at in regards to their registrations.
NAMRC/MSEC 2021 will take place on June 21 – 25 at the University of Cincinnati.
- The Manufacturing Engineering Division of ASME is celebrating its Centennial in 2020. While the in-person celebration reception has been moved to 2021, many other activities will continue throughout the year, see details here: MED Centennial.

The Manufacturing Engineering Division (MED) of ASME sponsors the Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC) every June. MSEC is the foremost annual forum for the scholarly exchange of advanced manufacturing research knowledge. It is intended to disseminate the most recent developments in manufacturing research through technical presentations, poster sessions, and panel sessions.
Since 2011, MSEC has been co-located with NAMRI/SME’s North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC). Together, these co-located conferences represent the largest advanced manufacturing research conference in North America. Every three years the conferences are co-located with a conference sponsored by the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME), which will be the International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing/ Materials &Processing (LEMP) in 2020. These conferences attract more than 500 attendees who can avail themselves of more than 250 technical presentations, multiple panel discussions, poster sessions, lab and industry tours, workshops, and an early career forum. MSEC, in conjunction with NAMRC, typically includes more than 80 students (from U.S. institutions) who are presenting their research and looking for career opportunities.
MSEC is the place to learn about the latest manufacturing research, talk with the researchers pushing the frontiers, network with R&D experts, and meet the future R&D workforce.
Additive Manufacturing
Advanced Materials Manufacturing
Life Cycle Engineering
Manufacturing Equipment and Automation
Manufacturing Processes
Manufacturing Systems
Nano/Micro/Meso Manufacturing
Quality & Reliability
Student Manufacturing Design Competition
Reusable Abstractions of Manufacturing Processes (RAMP) Competition
The official language of the conference is English.
Submission of Abstract/Full-Length Draft Paper for Review
December 02, 2019
Paper Reviews Completed
January 28, 2020
Draft Paper Acceptance Notification
January 31, 2020
Electronic Copyright Form Submission Process Opens
January 31, 2020
Submission of Posters
February 28, 2020
Submission of Revised Paper for Review (if required)
February 28, 2020
Author Notification of Acceptance of Revised Paper
March 12, 2020
Submission of Copyright Form
March 19, 2020
Submission of Final Paper
March 26, 2020
MSEC 2020
Online Proceedings