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Call for Posters

Poster Track Description

This track will involve the presentation of technical posters in various areas of advanced manufacturing research. Authors and presenters are invited to participate in this event to expand international cooperation, understanding, and promotion of efforts and disciplines in all areas of advanced manufacturing research. Dissemination of knowledge by presenting research results, new developments, and novel concepts is the focus of this track. We encourage all students with ongoing research to participate in the poster session. It will be a valuable experience of benefit to all developing researchers.

All Conference attendees will be encouraged to visit the displayed posters during the poster presentation session of the conference.

Poster Abstract and Full Poster Submission

Note: No abstracts or posters are to be submitted to the organizers; submissions will only be accepted via the MSEC conference website.

Download the Poster Template

A poster abstract must be submitted for review by March 31, 2025. We will accept the submissions on a rolling basis. The PDF document of the poster (formatted according to the ASME MSEC poster template) must be prepared before the conference. In-person presentation of the poser is required for accepted posters.


Dr. Ping Guo, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Dr. Guha Manogharan, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA