June 29, 2022 (Wednesday), 6:00 – 9:00 pm ET
Organized by: ASME/MED and NAMRI/SME
Sponsored by: The U.S. National Science Foundation (providing travel support to students)
Hosted by: Purdue University, College of Engineering, West Lafayette, Indiana
Purpose: The goal of this forum is to provide current students at all levels of graduate and undergraduate programs as well as recent graduates with information about various research and technical positions in academia, industry, and national laboratories. Panelists will present and overview of their careers and discuss how to be successful professionally in various settings in a roundtable format.
The forum will be held during the co-located manufacturing conferences at Purdue University: the ASME 2022 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC2022) and the NAMRI/SME 50th North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC50).
6:00 – 6:15 pm ET: Opening remarks and welcome
6:15 – 7:15 pm ET: Up to 5-minute spoken introductions by each panelist
7:15 – 9:00 pm ET: Roundtable discussions and wrap-up (Pizza and beverages will be served.)
Forum Format
- Panelists will introduce themselves and discuss their career paths. Panelists have experience in conducting/leading research and engineering projects in academia, government labs, and industry.
- During the roundtable discussions, forum participants can discuss careers in academia, government, and industry. Panelists will discuss how to search for a job, career management, and funding, among other topics. Participants will be able to visit with a number of panelists.
- During and after the forum, participants are encouraged to engage in conversations/discussions related to their particular professional and personal interests.
All registered conference participants are welcome to attend the forum with no additional fee.
Attendance of the Early Career Forum is mandatory for NSF Travel Grant student applicants.
2022 Early Career Forum Chair
Karl R. Haapala, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Tom & Carmen West Faculty Scholar
School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering
Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Email: karl.haapala@oregonstate.edu