Several prestigious internationally recognized awards are given at the Annual ASME Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials (SSDM) Conference. These awards are very well recognized amongst the Aerospace SDM community. The winners will be honored throughout the conference including an invitation to the Award Luncheon. We encourage you to review the honor details below.
The Spirit of St. Louis Medal
The Spirit of St. Louis Medal is awarded for meritorious service in the advancement of aeronautics and astronautics. The medal was established in 1929 by Philip D. Ball, ASME Members, and Citizens of St. Louis, Missouri.

Recipient: William A. Sirignano
The 2024 Spirit of St. Louis Medal will be awarded to Dr. William A. Sirignano. Dr. Sirignano was a Professor at Princeton University from 1967 to 1979 after receiving his Ph.D. from there in 1964. He was the George Tallman Ladd Professor and Department Head at Carnegie-Mellon University from 1979 to 1984 before becoming the Engineering Dean at UCI. He left the deanship and currently he is a Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCI.
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ASME/Boeing Structures and Materials Award
The ASME Aerospace Division Structures and Materials Technical Committee has reviewed the papers published at the 2023 ASME Aerospace Structures, Structural Dynamics, Materials Conference. On the basis of originality and significance to the field, the paper titled "Machine Learning-Aided Cohesive Zone Modeling of Fatigue Delamination" (SSDM2023-107351) has been identified as the winner of the Boeing Structures and Materials Award.
Congratulations to the Authors:
Liang Zhang, AnalySwift
Xin Liu, The University of Texas at Arlington
Su Tian, AnalySwift
Zhenyuan Gao, Dassault Systèmes
Wenbin Yu, Purdue University
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John J. Montgomery Award for Distinguished Innovation in Aerospace
The Montgomery Innovation Award will recognize the outstanding contribution of an individual engineer residing in the international community who has researched, designed or developed (or any combination thereof) new technologies or equipment for the aerospace industry, i.e., propulsion, aerospace structure/materials, stability and control, etc.

Congratulations to the 2024 Recipient:
Ajit K. Roy, Principal Materials Research Engineer, US Air Force Research Lab
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Topic Organizer Award
The SSDM Topic Organizer Award recognizes the outstanding contribution of an individual topic organizer who made significant efforts into organizing of one or more SSDM topics.
Recipient: Marco Petrolo, Politecnico di Torino
2023 ASME Fellows
Congratulations to the 2023 ASME Fellows affiliated with the AERO Division!
To learn more about becoming or nominating a Fellow, click here
Xianxu 'Frank' Bai
Noel Bakhtian
Andrew Bicos
Ercan Dede
John Jian Dong
Nandika Dsouza
Andrew Duncan
Stephen Engelstad
Paul Giel
DR Ryan L Harne
Naira Hovakimyan
Kauser Imtiaz
Jaehyung Ju
Jianbo Lu
James Man
Columbia Mishra
Grace O'Connell
Patrick Phelan
Julian Rimoli
Lorin Shirdon
Yi-chung Shu
Ralph Smith
Pierre Sullivan
Mark Tachi
Dale Van Zante
Lawrence Virgin
Damian Vogt
Qian Wang
Chih-Yung Wen
Pablo Zavattieri