The Student Advisory Committee Travel Award (SACTA) consists of reimbursement of up to $2,000 USD for approved expenses to attend and participate in ASME Turbo Expo.
The following criteria are considered for the selection of SACTA recipients:
- Be a PhD student until Turbo Expo
- Active involvement in Student Advisory Committee initiatives
- Student Paper Review Initiative
- Poster reviewer
- Technical Committee Liaison
- Publication in Turbo Expo conference and/or journals
- Presenting paper/poster during current Turbo Expo
- Previous Turbo Expo attendance
- Motivation letter showcasing applicant's suitability
Applicants for these awards must be seeking a degree. Preference will be given to students who have previously worked and/or have applied to work as a student liaison for Turbo-Expo. The applicant must agree to participate in the SAC Annual Meeting and be willing to help the SAC leadership team review student posters. Communication with the SAC leadership team may be requested prior to, during, and following Turbo Expo.
Congratulations to the 2024 SACTA Recipients
Christopher Loving, University of Central Florida
Edwin Joseph Munoz Lopez, Technical University of Munich
Ishita Jain, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Lakshminarayanan Seshadri, Indian Insitute of Science, Bengaluru, India
Marzuqa Ahmed, University of Central Florida
Rafael González Almenara, University of Seville
Hara Prakash Mishra, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India
Ahmed Fakhrudin Safdari, University of Central Florida
Aravind Chandh, Georgia Institute of Technology
Chinmay Nair, University of Virginia
Dandan Peng, KU Leuven
Dahae Jeong, The Pennsylvania State University
Lorenzo Da Valle, University of Liège
Mahmoud Eltaweel, University of Hertfordshire
Michael Pierro, University of Central Florida
Priyankar Garai, University of Central Florida
Renee Cole, Georgia Institute of Technology
Ruonan Wang, University of Surrey
Shahzad Bobi, University of Central Florida
Syed Jiaul Hoque, Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India