ASME B31.3 Piping Code Week
The B31.3 Process Piping Section Committee and Subgroups' Meetings is a forum for business leaders and industry experts to discuss high profile topics related to the ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code concerning the design, manufacture, fabrication, test, installation, and operation of process piping systems.
The ASME B31.3 Process Piping Section Committee and Subgroups' Meetings assembles committee meetings, bringing together high-level industry experts from all over the world. Attended by industry professionals, participation includes representation from government agencies, multinational corporations, plant owners, utilities, pressure equipment fabricators, designers, materials suppliers and others in related industries.
These meetings are open to the public.
Why Amsterdam?
Since 1955, all ASME B31.3 Process Piping committee meetings have been held in North America. In the last 10 years, our international participation has grown tremendously, seeing committee representation increase from 10 to nearly 30 countries. With this huge growth of international participation, ASME is organizing this meeting to accommodate and encourage International Users to attend and participate in ASME committee activities. Be part of history and join us for this truly historic event. A presentation is also scheduled for first time attendees (with Q&A) on how to become an ASME code committee member. Look for registration to open in early 2025.