Title: Design, Modeling, Analysis and Control of Assistive and Rehabilitation
Devices Joint session organized by RoboticsTC and Bio-Systems and Healthcare TC
- Prof. Davide Piovesan, Gannon University
- Prof. Amirhossein Ghasemi, University of North Carolina Charlotte
- Prof. Jongeun Choi, Yonsei University
- Prof. Biswanath Samanta, Georgia Southern University
- Prof. Wenlong Zhang, Arizona State University
Title: Energy Optimization for Intelligent Vehicle Systems
Session organized by the Automotive and Transportation Systems TC
- Prof. Mohammad Reza Amini, University of Michigan
- Prof. Youngki Kim, University of Michigan Dearborn
- Dr. Chen Zhang, NREL
- Prof. Carrie Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology
Title: Advanced Driver Assistance and Autonomous Technologies
Session organized by the Automotive and Transportation Systems TC
- Prof. Amirhossein Ghasemi, University of North Carolina Charlotte
- Prof. Carrie Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology>
- Prof. Junfeng Zhao, General Motors
- Prof. Hoseinali Borhan, Cummins Inc.
Title: Modeling and Control of Engine and Aftertreatment Systems
Session organized by the Automotive and Transportation Systems TC
- Prof. Pingen Chen, Tennessee Technological University
- Prof. Zhaojian Li, Michigan State University
- Prof. Hamid-Reza Ossareh University of Vermont
- Prof. Carrie Hall Illinois Institute of Technology
Title: Modeling and Control of Soft Actuators and Manipulators
Session organized by the Robotics TC
- Prof. Kam Leang, University of Utah
- Prof. Matteo Aureli,University of Nevada, Reno>
Title: Vehicle Dynamics and Stability
Session organized by the Automotive and Transportation Systems TC
- Prof. Selina Pan, Toyota Research Institute
- Prof. Pingen Chen, Tennessee Technological University
- Prof. Zhaojian Li, Michigan State University
- Prof. Carrie Hall, Illinois Institute of Technology
Title: Vibrations: Modeling, Analysis, and Control (Invited Sessions I and II)
Session organized by the Vibrations TC
- Prof. Xu Chen, University of Connecticut
- Prof. Verica Radisavljevic-Gajic, Villanova University
- Prof. Minghui Zheng, University at Buffalo
- Prof. Nima Mahmoodi, University of Alabama
- Prof. Oumar Barry, Virginia Tech
Title: Renewable and Smart Energy Systems
Session organized by the Energy Systems TC
- Prof. Jason B. Siegel, University of Michigan
- Prof. Neera Jain, Purdue University
- Prof. Satadru Dey, University of Colorado Denver
- Prof. Zoleikha A Biron, University of Florida
- Prof. Scott Moura, University of California, Berkeley
- Prof. Xinfan Lin, University of California Davis
- Prof. Youngki Kim, University of Michigan Dearborn
Title: Thermal Energy Systems
Session organized by the Energy Systems TC
- Prof. Stephanie Stockar, Penn State University
- Prof. Mahdi Shahbakhti, Michigan Tech
- Prof. Chris Vermillion, North Carolina State
- Prof. Jason Siegel, University of Michigan
- Prof. Zoleikha A. Biron, University of Florida