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DTOG2024 > Policies > Presentation Requirements

Presentation Requirements

  • For each Technical Presentation, a minimum of one author must have a paid registration at the Full Conference Author rate. Student rates do not apply.

  • One author registration fee can cover up to a maximum of two (2) presentation only submissions.

  • An author registering at the author rate with more than two (2) presentation only submissions to present at the podium, must request a co-author to register.

  • Student registration rates are only available to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled full time and have not yet received their Ph.D. Post-docs may not register as students. Proof of student status is required to confirm the student rate. Proof consists of a copy of the student's identification card or a letter from the institution's registrar verifying student status.

  • Attendees who pay the Non-Member registration rate will be offered a one-time complimentary 4-month ASME trial membership following the conference.

  • The ASME Presenter Attendance Policy is such that if a paper is not presented at the conference by an author / co-author of the paper, it will not be published in the official archival proceedings, which are registered with the Library of Congress and abstracted and indexed.

  • Technical Conferences will be scheduled as in-person conferences.

  • For conferences, video and/or zoom presentations are not a substitute for in-person presentations.

  • ASME in-person activities will follow the state and local laws, regulations and guidelines regarding COVID-19 applicable to the location of the event. These mandates are subject to change and should be continuously monitored.