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DTOG2024 > Workshop & Short Courses > Digitalization Standards Workshop, Nov 13 2024

Digitalization Standards Workshop, Nov 13 2024

Update Oct 7th, 2024

Participation in the Workshop is included in all full-conference registration fees. Attendees will be asked to RSVP their interest during registration.

Single day admission for the Workshop only is available for purchase during Advance and Standard Registration periods.

Michael Edwards


Questions about the Workshop can be directed to
Michael Edwards, Workshop Facilitator




Integral to transforming our sector, is an

  • Understanding of our current applicable digital standards and digitalization processes today,
  • Unified industry vision and roadmap to standardize digital system interfaces and digitalization processes, that can drive standardization, while keeping pace with technology advancements across our energy value chain.

Workshop Objectives:

  1. Create awareness of current efforts in:
    • Industry digital standards,
    • Digitalization process standards and other
    • Standardization initiatives that can assist the energy sector.
      Note: This includes, but not limited to the ASME STB-1-2020 Guideline on Big Data/Digital Transformation Workflows and Applications for the Oil and Gas Industry.

  2. Determine high level risks, gaps and value:
    • For industry
    • Standards Development Organizations (SDO's)

  3. Determine high level unified commitment and actions:
    • This can include, but not limited to developing a unified roadmap
    • Industry Ecosystem for driving progress:
      • Process for industry shared learnings
      • Measure of progress and standardization value for our industry
        Note: This will include SDO's for O&G and renewable energy sector stakeholders.

Scope: Includes digital and digitalization process standards for:

  • Reservoir, subsurface, wells and production, engineering, project planning and onsite operational processes as well as, equipment manufacturing,
  • for the upstream oil & gas and renewable energy sectors.

Audience: Energy leaders, renewable energy leaders, engineering, manufacturers, operations, and digital practitioners looking to standardize implementation and deployment of digital technology and processes to improve the overall safety and efficiency of the sector. Industry groups, trade associations, standards development organization look to inform, give input and member guidance to current digital and digitalization efforts.


  1. Introduction & Safety Moment

  2. Audience Instruction & Engagement on Purpose (questions & word map, etc.)

  3. Fireside Chat: “Show me the Value?”: Executive Fireside Chat with Ram Shenoy, CEO The RBR Group

    Ram Shenoy

    Biography: Dr. Ram Shenoy is CEO of the RBR Group, offering advisory services on technology products & services innovation and commercialization working with Fortune Global 500 clients. He has had a career in the oil & gas industry with experience and expertise in the research, development and commercialization of technologies around the hydrocarbon reservoir lifecycle, spanning a broad range of scientific and engineering disciplines.

    Theme: Value of unified digital standards and digitalization process standards and overall standardization

    General review benefits and challenges:
    • Upstream Industry Digital Standards: Established consensus building process and streamlining of requirements.
    • Renewables Industry Digital Standards
    • Role of Classification Societies
    • Academic role in standardization

  4. Overview of related Industry Standards and Initiatives:
    • ASME
    • ISO/TC67
    • ISA
    • IEEE
    • SNAME

    • Break

    • API
    • IOGP
    • INCOSE
    • PPDM
    • Others: SPE, SEG/AAPG

  5. Audience Engagement (questions & word map)
    1. State of the Industry
      1. Are you working on standards today (company, cross industry, industry SDO, or all)?
      2. Where do you see the most value in digital standards and digitalization of standards?


Panel Discussion: ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Noble Drilling, ExxonMobil, other(s)


  1. Recap Morning
    1. Where are our gaps?
    2. Where should we set our priorities?

  2. Risk & Opportunities: If we do not have industry standards?
    1. Risk Matrix
    2. Input to Risk Matrix

  3. Round Table Discussion: (Slido Qs, word-map & Collaboration Tool) Identify Risks/Opportunities
    a. Value of Standards?
    b. Gaps (standards, processes, knowledge system, etc.)?
    c. Ecosystem (knowledge share, collaboration, effective implementation, modernizing)?
    d. Measurement of Success?
    e. Where do we go from here?

  4. Actions Recap & Adjourn