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DTOG2024 > Sponsor/Exhibit > Sponsor Prospectus

Sponsor Prospectus

Digital Horizons: Energizing Transformation in Oil & Gas, and Beyond explores the key topics and challenges highlighting the pivotal role of digital transformation in reshaping and enabling a more effective energy landscape.

The conference will draw together members of the Oil & Gas engineering and data science communities, offshore and onshore wind engineering industry, energy storage engineering industry, and university students from around the world who are working on practical, real-world, end-to-end digital solutions that involves machine learning and artificial intelligence. DTOG encapsulates the spirit of this momentous journey towards a more sustainable, efficient, and interconnected future.

You will have the opportunity to network with delegates, demonstrate your products, generate new sales leads and raise your profile.

View Sponsor Prospectus


What to Expect

  • Two and one half-day of technical paper presentations and collaboration
  • Featured speakers from Oli & Gas, Renewables, Government and Academia
  • Daily networking opportunities
  • Global representation of attendees
  • Discussion surrounding practical, real-world, end-to-end digital solutions that involve machine learning and artificial intelligence


Exhibit Schedule

Hyatt Regency Houston West, Texas Ballroom Foyer I-IV

Sunday, November 10
Move-in 2:00PM – 5:00PM
Monday, November 11
Exhibition Hours 7:30AM – 5:30PM
Tuesday, November 12
Exhibition Hours 7:30AM – 5:10PM
Wednesday, November 13
Exhibition Hours 7:30AM – 3:30PM
Breakdown Move out should start no later than 3:30 pm on Wednesday.


Exhibiting Sponsors Receive:

  • (1) 6 ft skirted table with (2) chairs
  • Possible complementary registrations (dependent upon level)
    • Note: All onsite exhibitors must register for the conference either via any comp. registrations in your exhibitor level or via a paid registration.
  • Company-provided promo video, logo, and link to website featured on the conference website
  • Company logo on the conference website
  • Company name and logo listed on the conference app


We offer a variety of sponsorship opportunities designed to maximize your company's visibility. The sponsorship program provides even more ways to stand out from the crowd and make the most of your budget.

View Sponsor Prospectus


Company name/log printed on attendee badge inserts. (black and white only)

  • Limit one sponsor


Gain maximum visibility with colorful badge lanyards displaying your company name and/or logo on attendee lanyards.

  • Limit one sponsor


For great conference visibility, sponsor the session coffee breaks. Select the day of your choice.

  • 4 available


Company name and logo will be displayed prominently inside and outside reception area, and the company name will be announced as the sponsor during the reception.

  • 1 available.


Contact Christine Morrison today to discuss the sponsorship that works best for you. ASME will work with you to customize a sponsorship that allows you the best visibility and return on your investment.