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ES 2023 > Program > Panel


Tuesday, July 11 | 1:45 PM – 3:15 PM

Thermal Energy Storage for Electricity and Industrial Heat Applications

Technologies utilizing thermal energy storage (TES) media have application for Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) to support the decarbonization of the U.S. power grid. In addition, these technologies can supply heat for industrial processes or district energy systems. However, these TES technologies need to scale quickly to reach the conditions that will enable them to compete for this LDES role. Success is contingent on (i) technology cost and performance: costs must come down and the performance and working lifetime of TES / LDES technologies must be demonstrated, and (ii) adequate supply chain formation: GW-scale annual LDES manufacturing will be required by 2035 to meet current projections for grid storage. Furthermore, TES will compete with alternative LDES technology options.

This panel will present the state of the art of TES-based LDES technologies, discuss challenges to deployment and the relevance of thermal-energy supply the market development and competitiveness of TES-based LDES.

Craig Turchi, Ph.D.

Craig Turchi, Ph.D.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)






John Pye, Ph.D.

John Pye, Ph.D.
Australian National University

Topic: Australia's "Green Heat for Industry" Strategy and Glimpse at Current Analysis





Luca Imponenti, Ph.D.

Luca Imponenti, Ph.D.

Topic: Topic: Current Molten Salt Tanks at 560C: Challenges and Developing Solutions





Justin Briggs

Justin Briggs, Ph.D.
Antora Energy

Topic: High-Temp Graphite for TES





Tim Fuller

Tim Fuller
Babcock & Wilcox

Topic: Sand-based TES for Industrial Thermal Demand and "Green Steam"





Guangdong Zhu, Ph.D.

Guangdong Zhu, Ph.D.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)

Topic: Geological Thermal Energy Storage (GeoTES) Hybridized with CSP or Carnot-Battery heat Pump Techniques for Seasonal Energy Dispatching