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ES 2023 > Register > NSF Student Participation Awards

NSF Student Participation Awards

NSF Student Participation Awards are open to students who, at the time of abstract/talk submission, are actively pursuing a B.S., M.S., or Ph.D. degree and who have a paper, technical presentation, or poster at the 2023 Energy Sustainability conference.

The award encourages student participation in the conference and recognizes the important role that students will play in the future of the Energy Sustainability conference. The award offers participants an opportunity to showcase their scientific accomplishments, interact with peers and colleagues from academia, government labs, and industry, expand their network, and foster new collaborations within the broader advanced manufacturing community.

The award will defray the cost of conference attendance, including travel, up to $1,200.

To apply, students must complete the short application form linked below.

Minority, disabled and women students are especially encouraged to apply. We anticipate granting up to 30 Student Awards.

The submission deadline is May 15th.

Questions, contact Dr. Pei Dong,

Application for
NSF Student Participation Award