Conference: June 23 – 26, 2019 Exhibition: June 24 – 26, 2019
Student and early career travel grants for the 17th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels are available. Apply for a travel grant. Applications are due May 8. Please contact should you have any questions.
Registration is required prior to uploading your final paper
Rates are based on ASME membership irrespective of author status.
Full Registration Includes: Access to Technical Sessions, Keynotes, Industry Leadership, Daily Breakfast, Coffee Breaks, Lunch on Wednesday only, Awards Banquet and Conference Reception and Online access to all technical presentations.
Cancellation Policy: Request must be made in writing and submitted no later than April 30, 2019. A $100 processing fee will be applied to all refund requests. Refunds are NOT permitted on/after May 1, 2018. Substitutions: Registrations may not be transferred or substituted at any time.
Student Registration Fees: Student registration rates are only available to undergraduate and graduate students who are enrolled full time and have not yet received their Ph.D. Post-docs may not register as students.