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IMECE® 2024 > Program > Special Panels

Special Panels

All panels will take place on Wednesday, November 20, 11:10am-12:10pm

Future manufacturing holds the promise of increased efficiency, flexibility, sustainability, and innovation, driving economic growth and competitiveness in the global marketplace. Future manufacturing is set to be transformed by a convergence of technologies and trends, shaping the way products are produced, distributed, and consumed. Future manufacturing is intrinsically multidisciplinary, spanning across various fields such as engineering, materials science, and computer science. This panel will provide a forum for exchange of fundamental research, education, and workforce development activities in addition to a discussion of future trends in manufacturing with a focus on new manufacturing capabilities that do not exist today. In this panel, Dr. Andrew Wells, the director of the NSF's Future Manufacturing (FM) program along with some awardees of the program are invited to clarify the requirements of future manufacturing and discuss potential transformative research and educational activities that support the future of manufacturing.

Particularly, this panel aims:

  • To distinguish Future Manufacturing from Advanced Manufacturing (in terms of how projects and proposals are different)
  • To highlight Future Manufacturing successes (with a focus on impactful and off-the-wall projects)
  • To discuss possible areas ripe for exploration in Future Manufacturing proposals, likely with reference to the Blue-Sky competition.
Dr. Roozbeh Salary

Dr. Roozbeh "Ross" Salary
Associate Professor of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering
College of Engineering & Computer Sciences
Marshall University (West Virginia State)

Dr. Andrew Wells

Dr. Andrew Wells
Program Director
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Advanced Manufacturing (AM) and Future Manufacturing (FM) Programs

Dr. Satyandra K. (SK) Gupta

Dr. Satyandra K. (SK) Gupta
Smith International Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science
Director, Center for Advanced Manufacturing
Viterbi School of Engineering
University of Southern California

Dr. Scott Thompson

Dr. Scott Thompson
Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
University of Missouri

Dr. Rong Yang

Dr. Rong Yang
Assistant Professor
Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Cornell University

Dr. Lih-Sheng (Tom) Turng

Dr. Lih-Sheng (Tom) Turng
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison

To highlight the potential of an enhanced R&D and trade relationship between Italy and the USA regarding advanced manufacturing, the Italian Trade Agency has partnered this year with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, to create on the occasion of IMECE 2024, a special panel entitled The Italian Way to Advanced Manufacturing. This will be an opportunity to have engagements in an exciting panel discussion by ASME members and industry experts from Italy on novel technologies coming out of Italy and the best practices for collaborations between Italian and US companies and research centers in the area of advanced manufacturing.

Marriner Merrill

Marriner Merrill
Rochester Institute of Technology

Edoardo Dalla Ricca

Edoardo Dalla Ricca
Università di Trento
& National Institute for Nuclear Physics

Antonio Zippo, PhD

Antonio Zippo, PhD
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Caterina Rizzi

Caterina Rizzi
Università degli Studi di Bergamo

Marco Rossoni

Marco Rossoni
Politecnico di Milano

Representatives from CBET will introduce new funding opportunities and current NS opportunities from their respective divisions and have a live Q&A with the audience about the opportunities. These presentations will be of greatest benefit to current faculty members (all ranks) at US Institutions.

NSF Participants

Harsha Chelliah

Harsha Chelliah

Shahab Shojaei-Zadeh

Shahab Shojaei-Zadeh