St. Louis Arch Tour
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Max: 30 attendees
JRC attendees are invited to a behind the scenes tour of the Gateway Arch tram system and a visit to the top of the Arch, the museum and the monument grounds. At 63-stories and 630 feet high, the Gateway Arch is the tallest man-made monument in the country. The highlight of a visit to the Arch is a ride to the top in the Arch’s unique tram system, a marvel of engineering. A combination of the elevator and Ferris wheel principles was developed into a train of capsules that gently rotates as it travels up and down the Arch. The tram has been operating for over fifty years, travelling over 200,000 miles and carrying over 18 million passengers. The trams are a transportation system, and the original financing for the construction, as well as the day-to-day operation, is provided by the Bi-State Development Agency, operator of the local light rail MetroLink system. Tour participants will take a bus from the conference hotel to the Arch. After checking in, Arch staff will do a presentation and provide a behind the scenes tour of the workings of the Arch. JRC attendees will then have approx. an hour and a half to ride the tram to the top of the Arch as well as visit the museum and monument grounds before returning to the conference hotel by bus.
The tour is limited to 30 people, participants are to wear close toed shoes and jeans or slacks, no dresses, skirts, or loose/torn clothing please.
Group will meet in the lobby by 7:45am for a 8:00am departure and return by 12:15pm.