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Symposium 1: Offshore Technology

Description: The offshore industry has been very active recently in deep waters, where oil & gas resources are abundant. Innovations and industry know-how have bloomed over the last few decades. Fixed platforms reach multiple thousands feet of water depths using compliant towers. Spars and TLPs have allowed dry trees in up to 5,000 feet; drill ships are stationed for weeks on DP, and we currently drill in over 10,000 feet of water depth. Areas of activities have increased as well! The North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico are no longer the epicenter of offshore activities. Oil reserves are now coming significantly online from West Africa and Brazil, while gas from Australia and Qatar is being transported worldwide in tankers that have tripled their capacity over the past couple of decades. The offshore industry's move into the deeper waters has created a need for innovation. We are however only at the forefront of the challenges. In the next decades, we will be active in harsher environments, including icebergs, even deeper waters, and will have to deal with more and more stringent legislations. We will need to continue improving our safety records, and be more environmentally aware. GHG and LCA will become common acronyms in our PowerPoint presentations, and we will discuss carbon footprint levels just as much as the trading price of an oil barrel. OMAE’s Offshore Technology (OFT) Symposium continues to stand ready to provide the necessary forum to link the present and the future of our industry. As in its previous editions, traditional and new sessions will be available this year in key areas of current and future interest in the offshore field. Design methodology, analytical tools, experimental techniques, structural and hydrodynamic modeling, applications in deepwater technology, and challenges for safe operations are some of the key topics discussed in the OFT symposium.


  • 1-1 Offshore Platforms
  • 1-2 Station Keeping
  • 1-3 Hydrodynamics
  • 1-4 Design & Analysis
  • 1-5 FLNG Technology
  • 1-6 CFD Modeling Practice & Verification
  • 1-7 Wave Loading and Motions in Extreme Seas
  • 1-8 Digitalization, AI/ML, Digital Twins
  • 1-9 Adapting/Mitigating Climate Change
  • 1-10 Earthquake Design

Symposium 2: Structures, Safety and Reliability

Description: This symposium addresses probabilistic methods that allow the description of loading and strength variables, which constitute the basic information necessary for the assessment of the reliability of structures.


  • 2-1 Abnormal and Extreme Waves
  • 2-2 Probabilistic and Spectral Wave Models
  • 2-3 Probabilistic Response Models
  • 2-4 Fatigue and Fracture Reliability
  • 2-5 Reliability of Marine Structures
  • 2-6 Reliability of Mooring and Riser Systems
  • 2-7 Reliability of Renewable Energy Systems
  • 2-8 Well Integrity and Reliability Assessment
  • 2-9 Extreme Loading and Responses
  • 2-10 Collision and Crashworthiness
  • 2-11 Ultimate Strength
  • 2-12 Structural Analysis and Optimization
  • 2-13 Risk Analysis and Management
  • 2-14 Risk Based Maintenance
  • 2-15 Safety in Harsh Environments
  • 2-16 Data-driven Models for Marine Structures

Symposium 3: Materials Technology

Description: With the continued pressure on oil and gas prices, materials technology is playing an ever increasing role in ensuring the economic development and safe operation of the offshore and arctic industry. The symposium addresses topics such as improvement in weld metal and heat-affected zone properties, new technology in underwater welding and inspection, recent advances in steel technology, application of aluminum and titanium in offshore structures, fatigue life prediction, threaded and tubular joints, fracture control, oil-field elastomers, and composite materials.


  • 3-1 Fracture Assessment and Control
  • 3-2 Fatigue Performance and Testing
  • 3-3 Integrity Assessment and Life Extension
  • 3-4 Environmental Effect on Materials Performance
  • 3-5 Inspection, Repair and Monitoring
  • 3-6 Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology

Symposium 4: Pipelines, Risers, and Subsea Systems

Description: PRSS provides a forum for sharing recent experiences, innovative analyses and novel designs, improved inspection, repair, and monitoring techniques related to offshore pipelines, flow lines, risers, and subsea equipment. This year the Symposium encourages the submission of papers on pipelines for CO2 transportation and carbon storage in subsea environments, in addition to the traditional outstanding contributions to all areas related to subsea technology.

Technical sessions will cover topics such as design, construction and installation, mechanics of pipelines, rigid risers and flexible pipes, pipe-soil interaction, and flow assurance.


  • 4-1 Flexible Pipes and Umbilicals
  • 4-2 Rigid Risers
  • 4-3 Rigid Pipelines
  • 4-4 Subsea Structures and Equipment
  • 4-5 Flow Assurance

Symposium 5: Ocean Space Utilization

Description: The Oceans represent the next frontier to provide sustainable food, energy, resources and land space for humanity. This symposium was initiated to cover the emerging technologies. Technical areas currently covered by Ocean Space Utilization Symposium are quite broad, and they are very large floating structures, deepsea mining, ocean renewable energy, underwater vehicle, food production, ocean environment, ocean management and new concept for ocean space utilization. New developments and novel concepts related to these areas are presented, and associated problems and challenges are identified and discussed.


  • 5-1 New Concepts for Ocean Space Utilization
  • 5-2 Aquaculture and Related Technology
  • 5-3 Deepsea Mining and Ocean Resources
  • 5-4 Underwater Development and Technology
  • 5-5 Floating Systems for Renewable Energy
  • 5-6 High Tide and Tsunamis
  • 5-7 Environmental Assessment for Marine Renewable Energy
  • 5-8 Utilization of Seawater
  • 5-9 Coastal Zone Management
  • 5-10 Very Large Floating Structure
  • 5-11 Marine Spatial Planning and Marine Environment
  • 5-12 Arctic Ocean Dynamics and Climate Change

Symposium 6: Ocean Engineering

Description: The purpose of the OCEAN ENGINEERING symposium is to bring together representatives of the ocean engineering community to discuss results of their work on design technology, linear and nonlinear phenomena and the development of experimental, observational and computational tools. The field of ocean engineering is very broad, encompassing from wave mechanics to underwater technology to advanced ship hydromechanics to marine environmental engineering and aquacultural engineering The symposium is an opportunity for the engineers in industry, university, and government to develop and foster collaborations in their endeavors to improve ocean technology.


  • 6-1 Computational Mechanics and Design Applications
  • 6-2 Coastal Engineering
  • 6-3 Fluid-Structure, Multi-body and Wave-body Interaction
  • 6-4 Marine Engineering and Technology
  • 6-5 Marine Hydrodynamics
  • 6-6 Marine Environment and Very Large Structures
  • 6-7 Metocean, Measurement and Data Interpretation
  • 6-8 Model Tests
  • 6-9 Offshore Industry: Aquaculture, Mining, etc.
  • 6-10 Offshore Industry: Structures and Design
  • 6-11 Ocean Engineering Technology
  • 6-12 Ship Hydromechanics
  • 6-13 Towed and Undersea Cables and Pipes, Mooring, and Buoy Technology
  • 6-14 Underwater Vehicles and Design Technology
  • 6-15 Unsteady Hydrodynamics, Vibrations, Acoustics and Propulsion
  • 6-16 Wave Mechanics, Modeling and Wave Effects

Symposium 7: Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology

Description: It is estimated that the Arctic contains more than one third of the world’s undiscovered oil and gas. Although some development has already occurred, the region remains one of the last energy frontiers. But the region is also one of the most difficult areas in the world to work, due to its remoteness, the extreme cold, dangerous sea ice, and its fragile environment.

A key challenge will be developing and deploying solutions, which are currently at the cutting edge of technology. Transportation of gas and oil from such remote parts of the globe are also a huge challenge to the energy industry with high technology demands on structures, vessels and pipelines.

The Polar and Arctic Sciences and Technology Symposium promotes the understanding of the cold regions of the earth through environmentally compatible design and construction, safe operation, maintenance, and integrity of both offshore and onshore structures in these fragile regions. Going towards the Arctic is one of the most challenging and fascinating topic for engineers, researchers and environmentalists of various disciplines. Not alone, but only together we can make this happen.


  • 7-1 Arctic Oceans Dynamics and Climate Change
  • 7-2 Arctic Frontier Regions
  • 7-3 Ice and Wave Interactions
  • 7-4 Arctic Sea Transportation
  • 7-5 Structures in Ice
  • 7-6 Vessels in Ice
  • 7-7 Ice Model Tests
  • 7-8 Numerical Ice Modeling
  • 7-9 Marine Propulsion System Under Ice Impact
  • 7-10 Scenario-Based Risk Management for Ice-Covered Waters: LRF- CEPOLAR Activities

Symposium 8: CFD, VIV & FSI

Description: The CFD, VIV and FSI symposium focuses on expanding international cooperation, understanding and promotion of efforts and disciplines in the areas of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Vortex-induced Vibrations (VIV) and Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI). This symposium addresses issues associated with the use of CFD and advanced analysis methods in offshore applications, with an additional focus on VIV and FSI. While the topics are similar to many of those in other symposia, the emphasis is on the development and implementation of advanced computations, improvement of modeling capabilities, acquisition of validation data, experimental investigations, understanding and modeling of fluid structure interaction and demonstrations of the power of advanced simulations.


  • 8-1 Ship & Floating Systems
  • 8-2 Free Surface Flows
  • 8-3 Risers, Pipelines & VIV
  • 8-4 Advanced Analytics
  • 8-5 Digital Twins and Modeling
  • 8-6 Internal Flows & FIV

Symposium 9: Ocean Renewable Energy

Description: Countries the world over have sensed the urgency to tackle climate change as weather events increase in severity with serious consequences on human lives and global economy. Ocean renewable energy harvesting supports clean energy initiatives while simultaneously attempting to protect the ocean environment. Offshore wind energy developments are big drivers that support energy transition from fossil fuel sources. Wave, tidal and other forms of energy harvesting are in various stages of technology development with some reaching commercial demonstration levels.

The objective of the ORE Symposium is to provide a forum for the presentation of relevant research, developments and views on technology and regulatory issues to enhance the exploitation of ocean renewable energy resources. Along with continued focus on renewable energy harvesting, we have also introduced current topics like floating solar, hydrogen technologies, carbon capture and storage.


  • 9-1 Wind Energy
  • 9-2 Wave Energy
  • 9-3 Current and Tidal Energy
  • 9-4 Hybrids & Floating solar                          
  • 9-5 Hydrogen & Energy Storage
  • 9-6 Carbon Capture & Storage           

Symposium 10: Offshore Geotechnics

Description: The Offshore Geotechnics session presents recent scientific and engineering developments in geotechnical engineering with a focus on offshore applications. Topics include, but are not limited to: shallow and pile foundations, suction caissons, drag and plate anchors, centrifuge modeling, geohazards, site investigations, seabed mechanics, fluid-soil-structure interaction, geotechnics of pipelines, trenching, geoacoustics for seafloor characterization, in situ testing and sampling.


  • 10-1 Seabed Properties and Processes

  • 10-2 Fluid-Soil-Structure Interaction

  • 10-3 Anchors

  • 10-4 Pile Foundations

  • 10-5 Bucket Foundations, Suction Caissons and Spudcans

  • 10-6 Pipeline Geotechnics

Symposium 11: Petroleum Technology

Description: The Petroleum Technology Symposium is a technical event providing forum for researchers, engineers to share recent advances, discuss problems, and identify challenges associated with the “upstream” petroleum industry involved in extracting oil and natural gas from subsurface reservoirs. The ASME Transactions - Journal of Energy Resources Technology is the designated journal for the Symposium. Technical program of the Symposium covers theoretical and field studies, best practices, and emerging technology in few areas of petroleum engineering having most of recent advancement. The focus is on methods used for assessing and designing operations in petroleum wells drilling and production in deep water, conventional and unconventional petroleum reservoirs engineering and management, methods for enhancing petroleum recovery, subsurface sequestration of carbon using injection wells, multiphase petroleum transport in pipelines, and environmental implications of these operations.

Authors may also consider other topics in petroleum engineering such as operations in the hostile environments, oil and gas production, artificial lift; subsea production systems and processing; and well integrity control.


  • 11-1 Well Drilling Technology
  • 11-2 Well Drilling Fluids & Hydraulics
  • 11-3 Well Control & Managed Pressure Drilling
  • 11-4 Data Science and Machine Learning Applications in Drilling
  • 11-5 Well Cementing Theory & Practice
  • 11-6 Integrity of Well Barriers
  • 11-7 Permanent Well Abandonment
  • 11-8 Production Systems and Subsea Operations
  • 11-9 Multiphase Flow & Flow Assurance
  • 11-10 Development of Unconventional Reservoirs
  • 11-11 Advances in Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS)
  • 11-12 Sustainability and Green Transition in Petroleum Industry
  • 11-13 Digitalization of Subsurface, Well Systems, Subsea Systems and Operations


Symposium 12: Honoring Symposium for Professor Günther F. Clauss on Hydrodynamics and Ocean Engineering

Description: The 41st International Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering (OMAE) 2022 Conference is proud to dedicate an Honouring Symposium on Hydrodynamics and Ocean Engineering to Professor Günther F. Clauss from Technical University of Berlin (TUB), Germany. He has been contributing in an exceptional way for many years to the scientific development of different topics in the field of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, and had a leading role in several areas of research at national and international level.

Professor Clauss studied physics at the Technical Universities of Munich and Berlin. In 1968, he received his doctorate from the Institute of Aerospace Engineering at TUB. Afterwards, at the suggestion of Prof. Alfred Keil, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at MIT, he shifted his research focus from outer space to inner space – from space to the ocean – and founded, together with his mentor Claus Kruppa, the new Department of Ocean Engineering at TUB. After his habilitation in 1972 and various research stays at MIT (Department of Ocean Engineering), the Institute of Naval and Marine Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley and the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, he was appointed to the first German Chair of Ocean Engineering at TUB in 1973. Furthermore, he headed the Institute of Marine and Ocean Engineering at TUB for over ten years, was elected Dean of the Faculty of Transport and Mechanical Systems for three terms and was a member of the Academic Senate for a total of twelve years.

Professor Clauss' research activities – with a focus on design and hydromechanics of offshore structures – include projects on ship stability and capsize safety, design and optimisation of offshore platforms, pipeline laying, floating cranes and oil spill response systems. In the field of deep-sea engineering, he developed oceanic resource extraction systems and – with his colleague Hans Gerber – the deep-sea shuttle MODUS. One focus of his research is the deterministic analysis of ships and offshore structures in extreme waves. Numerically and experimentally, it is possible to investigate chains of cause and effect, with tailor-made extreme wave sequences embedded in natural irregular sea states serving to precisely determine non-linear wave-structure interactions. In the field of dismantling offshore platforms, he was appointed to international supervisory bodies, such as the scientific advisory board for the dismantling of the Ekofisk field (ConocoPhillips) and the Brent field (Shell).

Together with colleagues and industrial partners, he authored more than 400 publications as well as the books 'Meerestechnische Konstruktionen' (also translated into Korean) and 'Offshore Structures' (Vol I - Conceptual Design and Hydromechanics, Vol II - Strength and Safety for Structural Design). More than 30 dissertations were written under his supervision, often within the framework of research projects – funded by the European Union, federal ministries (BMBF, BMWi, BMU), the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations (AIF). Professor Clauss – member of RINA (F) and Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME)(M) – was active as chairman and committee member at the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) and the International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress (ISSC), served for many years on the board of the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and chaired the ocean engineering committee there. He was a member of the Technical Advisory Board of Germanischer Lloyd and till today he is the chair of the German Offshore Committee of DNV (former DNV-GL).


  • 2005 – Maritime Technology Award of the Technology Region K.E.R.N. e.V. for his life's work in the field of marine technology.
  • 2006 – SOBENA International Reward of the Sociedad Brasileira de Engenharia Naval (for outstanding scientific contributions in the field of marine and maritime technology).
  • In 2006/2007, he was honoured by being nominated as Georg Weinblum Memorial Lecturer for outstanding achievements in the field of hydrodynamics.


  • Hydrodynamics, Seakeeping and Global Performance
  • Offshore Operations & Modelling and Analysis of Offshore Operations
  • Model Tests
  • Extreme Waves and their Impact on Ships and Structures
  • Deterministic Wave and Motion Prediction
  • Hull Form Optimization