Download the prospectus to explore the opportunities and then contact us by emailing to arrange your sponsorship and exhibit.

Exhibit Hours:
Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday: 10am – 7:30pm
Thursday: 10am – 3:30pm
OMAE 2024 offers a remarkable opportunity to showcase your goods and services in person to a target audience of international experts in ocean, offshore and arctic engineering. The conference format provides multiple opportunities to meet participants through dedicated networking events held in the Exhibit Hall including Reception style lunches, refreshment breaks and Happy Hours. OMAE conferences attract between 800 – 1,000 participants from over 30 countries. Participants include leaders from major companies, academics from the world's premier institutions and government representatives. The Exhibit Hall will be open from 10am to 7:30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and 10am to 3:30pm on Thursday.
Are you looking to add to your Engineering team?
(OMAE) offers companies a wonderful opportunity to meet experienced, early career, and student engineers in the field. Approximately 15-20% of OMAE participants are students, some of whom participate in the Outreach for Engineers Specialty Forum which attracts Senior Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students (both Masters and Doctoral levels) and Early Career Professionals with an interest in ocean, offshore and arctic engineering.
Cost: $4,500 SGD
An exhibition booth at the OMAE 2024 Conference is a fantastic opportunity for your business to promote itself among the preeminent professionals and academics in the ocean, offshore and arctic engineering fields. The booths will be located in a part of the conference that receives the maximum traffic.
Benefits include:
- 3M wide by 3M deep exhibition booth in the main conference area including an Info Counter, 2 chairs, waste paper basket, 13 AMP power socket, 40 watts fluorescent tubes
- 100-word company description and logo recognition in the conference program.
- Company logo and link on the official OMAE 2024 Conference website.
- 1 Technical conference badge which includes access to all technical sessions.
- 1 exhibit staff badge which includes admission to four Conference lunches, the Welcome Reception and the Conference Banquet.
View Floorplan & Exhibit Booth Example
Featuring a variety of sponsorship opportunities designed to maximize your company's visibility, the sponsorship program provides even more ways to stand out from the crowd and make the most of your budget.
Download the prospectus to explore the opportunities and then contact us by emailing to arrange your sponsorship and exhibit.
All Sponsors receive recognition:
- Recognition on the conference website with a hyperlink to the company's website.
- Recognition in all printed promotional materials and eblasts, including sponsor signage at the event.
- Employees of sponsoring company can register for the conference at member rates.

- Sponsor logo on lanyard (lanyard to be provided by Sponsor).
- Recognition on the OMAE 2024 website.
- Organization logo on splash screen that displays when entering the app.
- One sponsor recognition push notification in app.
- Organization name to be associated with a Symposium (13 available) with recognition on the official OMAE 2024 website and in the app on each of the symposium sessions.
- Sponsor recognition in the meeting room where the applicable symposium takes place.
- Organization name to be associated with the keynote with recognition on the official OMAE 2024 website and in the app on the session.
- Organization name to be associated with an afternoon lecture with recognition on the official OMAE 2024 website and in the app on the session.
- Sponsor recognition in the meeting room where the applicable afternoon lecture takes place.
- Gift to be approved by the LOC and ASME. Sponsor will supply a gift for all participants, include ASME logo, OOAE logo and conference dates and location on gift, and arrange for gifts to be shipped to Singapore Expo the week prior to the conference.
- Organization name to be associated with the keynote with recognition on the official OMAE 2024 website and in the app on the session.
- Sponsor recognition in the meeting room where the short course takes place and on the official OMAE 2024 website.
- Organization name to be associated with a technical tour with recognition on the official OMAE 2024 website and in the app.
- Branding on the registration desk.
- Organization logo on Outreach Program website.
- Company logo and link on the official OMAE 2024 Conference website.
- Access to student resumes.
- Opportunities to meet with student attendees.
- Opportunities to engage students and be recognized at Outreach Program activities.
Download the prospectus to explore the opportunities and then contact us by emailing to arrange your sponsorship and exhibit.