Conference: October 5th – 7th (10am – 5:30pm EDT) – If facing issues while registering, Internet Explorer is a recommended browser to sign up.
In order to ensure that we have the widest dissemination possible of the conference proceedings, at least one author per paper must register to attend the Virtual Conference. This is similar to ASME's "no show" policy with our regular conferences, so papers without an author attending the virtual conference will be pulled from the official proceedings.
As with our physical conferences, registrants of the virtual conference will receive full access to the conference proceedings. Attendees who pay the Non-Member registration rate will be offered a One-Year ASME Membership (complimentary) following the conference.
Confirm your existing ASME membership status now or join/renew to receive the member rate for the conference registration (allow approximately 1 week to process memberships).
Ensure that your Username and Password is the same for BOTH your paper submission account as well as your membership account.
Anyone attending the virtual conference including authors, presenters, chairs, and session organizers must register and pay the appropriate fee.
IMPORTANT NOTE FOR AUTHORS/PRESENTERS: The registration deadline for authors/presenters is September 21, 2020. At least one author of accepted papers must register and pay by September 21st in order to present and/or be published.
- Student registration rates will not count toward author sign up requirements. Students can register as authors if needed to meet the requirement for a paper if no other authors are registering.
The Dynamic Systems and Control Division (DSCD) of the ASME and the 2020 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC) have provided funds to support a limited number of ASME student members affiliated with the DSCD who will be presenting a paper at the 2020 DSCC. Monetary support may be used towards student participation costs including conference registration.
Learn More About the Student Participation Award
Full Conference Rates
ASME Member / Author: $299 (A single author can register for up to four accepted papers)
ASME Non Member: $349
ASME Student Member: $225 (Student registration rates will not count toward author sign up requirements. Students can register as authors if needed to meet the requirement for a paper)
Student Non Member: $260 (Student registration rates will not count toward author sign up requirements. Students can register as authors if needed to meet the requirement for a paper)
Registration Includes: Online digital access to all technical presentations, Pre-recorded presentations On Demand for 3 months after the conference.
Cancellation Policy: No refunds will be allowed. All registrants will have access to the pre-recorded presentations On Demand during the conference and up to 3 months after.
Substitutions: Registrations may not be transferred or substituted at any time.
Presentation Policy: Any presentation to be included in the conference must have an author registration associated with it.
For registration questions once live, please contact Orchid Event Solutions at +1 888-665-1370 or