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Sponsor Prospectus

ASME's ICE Forward is the premier internal combustion engine focused conference that brings together internal combustion engine researchers from industry, academia, and government agencies to discuss technical advancements in engines for all applications, including automotive, on-road and off-road, rail, marine, aviation, and stationary power. ICE Forward provides you with the opportunity to connect with them.

The technical program is designed to showcase the latest research and encourage meaningful dialogue in a comfortable setting.

Sponsor ICE Forward to:

  • Promote your company. Our attendees are motivated industry professionals who communicate what they learn back to their organizations. Take this opportunity to network with your target audience and stay ahead of your competition.

  • Facilitate product advancement: Unlock new ways to test, simulate, and develop ICE technologies with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers.

  • Recruit the best and brightest students and postdocs to grow your team in today’s competitive job market.

  • New to 2025 - Rail Transportation Symposium co-located with ICEF. Expand your reach by engaging with the Rail Transportation Symposium attendees.

Featuring a variety of sponsorship opportunities designed to maximize your company's visibility, the sponsorship program provides even more ways to stand out from the crowd and get in front of leading researchers of internal combustion engines. Sponsor the ASME 2025 ICE Forward Conference in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

Download the Prospectus

Download the prospectus to explore the opportunities and contact ASME to arrange your sponsorship.