Keynote: Bill Magwood

Bio: Mr. Magwood took up his duties as Director-General of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) on 1 September 2014. He has extensive experience in both the regulatory and developmental aspects of nuclear energy, including at the international level.
From 2010 to 2014, he served as one of the five Commissioners appointed by the US President and confirmed by the US Senate to the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). While a commissioner, he advocated the importance of nuclear regulatory independence and the necessity of maintaining strong, credible and technically sound nuclear regulation in the United States and all countries that use nuclear power.
Prior to his appointment at the NRC, from 2005 to 2010 he provided independent strategic and policy advice to US and international clients on energy, environment, education, and technology policy issues. From 1998 to 2005, Mr. Magwood was Director of the US Government’s civilian nuclear energy programs at the US Department of Energy (DOE). During his tenure, he established the Idaho National Laboratory; created activities that reversed the decline of US nuclear technology education; and launched important initiatives such as the Generation IV International Forum (GIF) and the US “Nuclear Power 2010,” which helped restart nuclear plant construction in the United States. He was also actively involved in the work of the NEA, serving as a Steering Committee Bureau member from 1999 to 2005, including a term as Chair of the Steering Committee from 2004 to 2005.
Prior to his experience at the DOE, Mr. Magwood managed electric utility research and nuclear policy programs at the Edison Electric Institute in Washington, DC, and was a scientist at Westinghouse Electric Corporation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mr. Magwood, a US national, holds Bachelor degrees in Physics and English from Carnegie Mellon University and a Master of Fine Arts from the University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. Mark Peters, INL Lab Director
Plenary: INL, a Vital Resource to Meet the Nation’s Energy and Security Future
Bio: Dr. Mark Peters is the director of Idaho National Laboratory and president of Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC. He is responsible for management and integration of a large, multipurpose laboratory whose mission focuses on nuclear energy, national and homeland security, and energy and environmental science and technology. He manages this U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory of approximately 5,000 scientists, engineers and support staff in multiple nuclear and nonnuclear experimental facilities, with an annual budget of over $1.3 billion. He has guided a period of substantial growth at INL, including the opening of the Cybercore Integration Center, Collaborative Computing Center, and Research Collaboration Building.
Peters served two years as chairman of the National Laboratory Directors’ Council, an independent body that coordinates initiatives and advises the DOE and other laboratory stakeholders.
His credentials and experience include leadership and management of large institutions with substantial efforts focused on technology research and development. Prior to joining Battelle, he served as the associate laboratory director for Energy and Global Security at Argonne National Laboratory. Dr. Peters serves as a senior adviser to the Department of Energy on nuclear energy technologies, research and development programs and nuclear waste policy.
As a recognized expert in nuclear fuel cycle technologies and nuclear waste management, he is called upon frequently to provide expert testimony to Congress and to advise in formulation of policies for nuclear fuel cycles, nonproliferation and nuclear waste disposal. In 2015, he was honored as a Fellow of the American Nuclear Society for outstanding accomplishments in the area of nuclear science and technology. He serves on the ANS Public Policy Committee, and served on the executive committee of the ANS Fuel Cycle and Waste Management Division. Earlier in his career, he worked in science and research positions at both Los Alamos National Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Peters received his doctorate in geophysical sciences from the University of Chicago and a bachelor’s degree in geology from Auburn University. He has received extensive management and leadership education and training, including completion of the Strategic Laboratory Leadership Program at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

Ken Canavan, Westinghouse Chief Technology Officer
Bio: Ken Canavan is the Chief Technology Officer for Westinghouse. In this role Ken has the responsibility to drive next generation technology and innovative solutions that align with Westinghouse's global business strategy. Ken also heads the Global Technology Office (GTO). Ken and the GTO team develop and maintain the Westinghouse global technology roadmap of new and innovative products and services. In short, this talented team brings creative and innovative solutions to our customers. Prior to joining Westinghouse, Ken was the Director of Engineering for the Electric Power Research Institute’s (EPRI) Nuclear Sector. In this position, he was responsible $45 million in research activities related to equipment reliability, plant engineering, instrumentation and control, maintenance, and risk and safety management.
Ken joined EPRI in 2003 as a Senior Project Manager in the Risk and Safety Management program, where he led research various projects. In 2006, Canavan became Program Manager of the Risk and Safety Management (RSM) program, overseeing all aspects of research in the area of risk and safety management. In 2008, Ken became a Senior Program Manager, assuming additional management responsibilities within the Plant Technology group. Prior to joining EPRI, Ken worked in the areas of safety and risk analysis. At Data Systems & Solutions, he was Manager of Strategic Decision Support, responsible for the application of risk technology to the nuclear, aerospace, and chemical industries. At ERIN Engineering and Research, he was a Supervisor of various applications of risk technology for nuclear plants. At GPU Nuclear, Ken held progressively more senior positions culminating in his assignment as Senior Engineer and Lead Risk Analyst. Ken began his career at Toledo Edison’s Davis-Besse nuclear power station as an engineer in the safety analysis department.