Virtual Conference: August 4 – August 5, 2020
Thank you for joining ASME's Power Division and Nuclear Engineering Division at the first ever Virtual POWER2020 and Nuclear Engineering Virtual Conference powered by ICONE.
Register Virtual Event
Please read and watch the instructions carefully to ensure your success at the Virtual Event:
1. Download the Final Program and Schedule at a Glance 2. To explore the interactive and detailed program visit the Session Gallery 3. Read the Voting for People's Choice Award and Navigating the Interactive Program document 4. Watch the PheedLoop navigation video and read the Navigating PheedLoop at POWER2020 and ICONE2020 document 5. Vote for the People's Choice Presentation Award in the Session Gallery 6. Come to the Opening Reception and the Awards Ceremony for a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card 7. Make sure you Network, meet new acquaintances, and share with your colleagues 8. Visit the Exhibit and exchange information 9. Reach out to the Executive Committee or Track Chairs with additional questions
If you have any issues with PheedLoop or the Session Gallery, please email Keli Bell-Cole and Camille Cruz.