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Construction of New Nuclear Plants

The panel will delve into the intricate processes and challenges involved in building these complex facilities. Experts will discuss various construction methodologies, safety protocols, and technological advancements shaping the future of nuclear power plant development. Key topics include project management strategies, regulatory considerations, and environmental impacts associated with nuclear power plant construction.

Women in Nuclear Engineering

In this panel session of Women in Nuclear Engineering, female engineers, scientists and other experts will talk and discuss their roles in the nuclear industry. They are working in nuclear energy and technology fields and helping to empower the next-generation nuclear workforce around the globe.

Nuclear- renewable Integrated Systems

The panel will focus on the integration of nuclear energy with renewable energy. The nuclear energy being a base load will complement intermittent renewable energy in providing demand-based power supply. The systems development activities, configurations, demonstrations, safety, challenges and opportunities are explored in this panel.

Robust Fuel Development

The development of Robust or Accident Tolerant Fuel (ATF) has become an international area of interest and effort in the last few years. Conceptually ATF would provide leap-ahead improvement in LWR fuel safety during beyond design basis accidents and commercial benefit to nuclear utilities.

Accelerated by the severe accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, a variety of research and commercial analysis of ATF is presently underway globally.

The goal of this effort is insertion of ATF lead test rods and assemblies into a commercial PWR. This panel will present and discuss the state-of-art knowledge of ATF from the point of view of industry, government, nonprofit research agencies, and academic representatives currently leading global ATF development. The significant challenges in development and implementation of ATF, such as large-scale ATF fabrication, acceptance by nuclear utilities, the role of government and inter-government agencies in ATF research oversight, and the engineering and scientific challenges to develop ATF will be presented. The goal of this panel is to communicate the current understanding of the commercial and technical challenges faced in ATF development.

Nuclear Applications in Space

This panel will focus on Nuclear Applications in Space. As known, Nuclear-based systems can have less mass than solar cells of equivalent power, allowing more compact spacecraft that are easier to orient and direct in space. In the case of crewed spaceflight, nuclear power concepts that can power both life support and propulsion systems may reduce both cost and flight time.

Advanced Manufacturing

Advanced Manufacturing technologies have the capability to significantly improve the cost, schedule, and quality associated with manufacturing nuclear components. This panel will feature presentations from panelists that are leading work around the world to progress the development of Advanced Manufacturing technology.

Challenges in the Era of the Future Nuclear Energy Economy

The panel on the challenges in the era of the future nuclear energy economy, examines the roles of nuclear power in energy production in future to address global warming, new designs and capability to cover new demands in energy. Global researchers and experts will discuss the potential challenges in the future nuclear energy economy.

Nuclear Energy for Non-Power Generation

The panel on Nuclear Energy for Non-Power Generation, will focus on a variety of nuclear energy applications, including transport, heating, chemical and hydrone production, and integatred systems with renewables.

Fukushima -Daiichi Panel

This panel will discuss the current status, lessons learned, and actions of post Fukushima Daiichi accident.

SMRs and Advanced Reactors

This panel will consist of seven global nuclear technology leaders in advanced and small modular reactors. They will present and discuss technology development progress and status on SMR, advanced reactors, High Temperature Gas Cooled (HTGC) Reactor, and other advanced reactor technologies.