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All workshops will be held Sunday, August 4th

The CFD seminar will target young researchers and engineers to provide the basis and results for selection of several CFD applications for certain thermal-hydraulic problems. Wide variety knowledge and up-to-date information on CFD will be presented by foreign CFD specialists. The presentations may begin with the fundamental equations and numerical solution methods, and then continues to recent developments and some practice guidelines of CFD for nuclear engineering applications. Informal discussions and questions will be conducted.


This workshop will present an overview of some of the key Thermal-Hydraulic methodologies, experimentation procedure and its application to nuclear power plants. The relevant computer code model and theory will be described and real experimental work will be presented and discussed. Meanwhile, computer code simulations of experiments and benchmarking will be both presented. For exchanging information and experience purposes, this workshop is applicable to both students/professors and engineers in the relevant industry fields.


This workshop will promulgate an open technical exchange of information and sharing of lessons learned in response to current codes and standards needs. All interested stakeholders will contribute toward the development and modification of codes, standards, and conformity assessment activities and help identify international collaboration efforts.


This workshop will cover Advanced Technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Advanced Manufacture (AM), High-performance computing (HPC) used in Nuclear Engineering. The topics include AI methods in handling and processing large data, and decision making, advanced manufacturing employed for nuclear components such as heat exchangers, and reactor cores, high-performance computing to simulate reactor dynamics and integrated systems.


Verification and validation are part of the development process and are directly related to the quality assurance (QA) process. V&V includes a strong element of checking, and leads to remedial action. Verification and validation are essential components of the nuclear data development process, and software package or computer code development process since only those data or codes that have been demonstrated to accurately simulate real-life applications can be relied upon for those applications. The workshop will cover the basics of V&V methodologies, techniques and tools used in nuclear systems that will include the code development cycle, data validation and related topics.