Virtual Conference: November 1 – 5, 2021
Professor Zhang’s research interests are in micro/nanoscale thermal radiation and radiative properties of micro/nanostructures, with applications to radiation thermometry for semiconductor manufacturing and energy conversion. He has published over 200 archival journal papers and invited book chapters. Dr. Zhang is the author of Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer (1st ed. 2007; 2nd ed. 2020). He is a Fellow of ASME, APS, and AAAS, and an Associate Fellow of AIAA. He was a recipient of the 1999 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the 2015 ASME Heat Transfer Memorial Award, the 2021 AIAA Thermophysics Award, and the 2021 ASME Yeram S. Touloukian Award. He has also received several best paper awards with his students and collaborators, including the ASME Heat Transfer Division’s Best Paper Award (2000), the AIAA Thermophysics Best Paper Award (2005), and ICHMT’s Hartnett-Irvine Award (2010; 2019).