A National Science Foundation grant will provide support to selected students and early-career engineers (e.g., postdocs or recent graduates working in industry or national labs) from the United States to participate in the International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2024) and the 52nd North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC 52) to be held at Knoxville Convention Center in Knoxville, Tennessee, on June 17 – 21, 2024.
More Information
Key Dates
Application Deadline
March 15, 2024
Notification of Award
April 1, 2024
Awardee Registration Deadline
April 9, 2024
Online Application
All applications for the NSF Student/Early Career Researcher Travel Award should be made via the online portal. Applications submitted in any other way will not be considered for the award.
- Fill out the online application form here.
- BEFORE beginning on your online application form you should have the following two items ready to upload:
- Personal Statement: In 150 words or less, please identify and explain the broader impacts of your academic or industrial research/practice, particularly as it addresses the challenges faced by manufacturing industry. Do not simply cut-and-paste an abstract from your paper or poster. [Note: You will be required to paste this statement into the appropriate text box in the online application].
- Signature Form: This form must be signed by the applicant and their advisor or supervisor and uploaded along with the online application. The application will be considered incomplete without this form uploaded. The form can be downloaded from the Qualtrics Survey link provided above.
Make sure the form is a PDF file size of not more than 2 MB size and has the required filename format: Travel2024_yourlastname_yourfirstname.pdf
You will be instructed how to submit during the online application.
Important: Please Read Carefully
Do not register for the conference yourself if you are applying for this NSF Student/Early Career Researcher Travel Award.
Your registration fee and lodging accommodation will be covered by the travel award. In other words, this is not a process where you pay for registration and lodging and get reimbursed afterward. The costs will be managed directly, so that awardees never have to carry these charges. The mandatory author registration deadline is April 9, 2024. Hence, if you do not receive one of these awards you will still have time to register for the conference at the "early bird rate" (April 9, 2024).