Back in 1992, I had my first paper presented at OMAE. That was OMAE´s 11th edition, held in Calgary. I was then a very young researcher, and I remember being very proud to have a paper accepted for presentation at such important forum in the area I was embracing for my career. Twenty eight years later, I write this message with even more excitement. First, because I am happy for the the choice I made in 1989 – to pursue an academic career in Ocean Engineering. Secondly, because OMAE has become over the following decades the annual Conference not to be missed in the area! So it was, so it is, and so it will be!
After several years serving the Conference as Coordinator of the Pipeline, Risers, and Subsea Systems Symposium, and the OOAE Division as member of the Excecutive Committee, my turn to write this letter has come. On behalf of our Division, I would like to welcome students and professionals acting within the ocean, offshore and arctic engineering arena, from academia, industry, and government. We come from all over the world, making this a truly international conference.
This year, we will not have the chance to meet in person, as usual. But we will meet! Difficult times typically enhance our creativity and bring people together to overcome the challenges. Knowing our members and community, I am positive that our conference will be a success. A different format, lots of lessons learned that will also contribute to better future conferences.
I would like to thank all colleagues who have worked hard to put together a very strong technical program. Authors, reviewers, session and topic organizers, symposium and workshop coordinators, and technical program chair. Your technical contributions are the body and soul of this conference. Many thanks to the distinct volunteer members of the Executive Committees of OOAE who, for many years, set the pace of our community. I have learned a lot being part of this select group. Finally, I thank the Local Organizing Committee, ASME staff, and Sea-to-Sky for the laborious task of organizing the 39th OMAE.
It is now time to embrace our OMAE conference. I look forward to seeing everybody online, including new participants, with the usual commitment and professionalism, all mixed with our comradeship that makes our Division so special. Enjoy!

Prof. Theodoro Antoun Netto
OOAE Division Chair
Professor, Ocean Engineering Department
COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro