Virtual Conference: June 21 – June 30, 2021
Virtual Conference, Online
In line with the ASME Anywhere Initiative in support of 100% virtual events through December 2021, the 40th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE 2021) will be held online between June 21 to June 30, 2021.
ASME and the conference chairs have worked diligently to produce a program that provides virtual learning, paper presentations and enhanced networking opportunities within one platform.
The OMAE 2021 conference consists of the standard 11 symposia, along with 8 Keynote Lectures (one for each conference day), Short Courses and Networking Events. The conference theme is "Adapting to and mitigating Climate Change in the Marine, Offshore and the Ocean Sectors". Visit the Keynote Presentations page for a complete overview of speakers and topics.
The Technical Session Schedule and program at a glance are available for online viewing.