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Tutorial A:
A Detailed Overview of ASME PCC-2; Repair of Pressure Equipment and Piping (2 sessions)

Steven Roberts: Shell Global Solutions (US) Inc.

This technical tutorial will provide a detailed review of each article contained in ASME Standard PCC-2. As applicable, the presentation will cover the following elements for each article. Description Limitations Design Fabrication Examination Pressure Testing The session will conclude with a brief summary of new items under consideration by the Committee.

Attendees will learn the history of the Post Construction Committee and then move into each Part of the standard. Attendees will gain understanding on how the content is delivered, what is in the scope of the standard and what is not in the scope of the standard.

Attendees will gain understanding that PCC-2 provides methods for repair of equipment, piping, pipelines, and associated ancillary equipment within the scope of ASME Pressure Technology Codes and Standards1 after they have been placed in service. These repair methods include relevant design, fabrication, examination, and testing practices and may be temporary or permanent, depending on the circumstances.

The presentation will be by powerpoint slides with discussion opportunities for the content of the articles.

  • PCC-2 is one of three standards under the Post Construction Committee (PCC).
  • PCC-1 is Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly
  • PCC-3 is Inspection Planning Using Risk-Based Methods.
  • All three standards are approved as American National Standards by ANSI.

Presenting Author Biography: Steven Roberts, P.E., ASME Fellow, is a senior engineer with Shell based in Houston, TX. He provides technical assurance for the design and fabrication of mechanical static equipment and piping systems and is the current chair of ASME BPV Section VIII Standards Committee with his term concluding June 30, 2025. He also serves on a variety of other ASME committees including the Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards. Steven has been a member of the Post Construction Committees since 2002.Steven is the recipient of the 2023 J. Hall Taylor Medal given annually by ASME. Mr. Roberts is a Registered Professional Engineer in Texas and is also a Certified National Board Pressure Equipment Inspector, ASME Construction.



Tutorial B:
An Overview of Selected Research Affecting Bolted Flange Joint Assemblies (2 sessions: ½ Day)

Jeff Wilson, VSP Technologies, Prince George, VA, USA

In the introduction of ASME PCC-1, there is a statement that says that bolted flange joint assemblies that provide leak free service are the result of many selections and activities having been made and performed within a relatively narrow band of acceptable limits. Recently the industry has been diving into some of these selections and activities. While some of these have been neglected over the last 20 years, recent research has shown that these items affect the calculations found in ASME PCC-1 Appendix O enough to monitor.

This workshop will include detailed information on the completed and upcoming research done on the quality of bolts, metallic gaskets, sheet gaskets, tooling calibration, and bolting patterns.



Tutorial C:
Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics – Then, Now and Tomorrow (2 Sessions: ½ Day)

David Rudland, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, USA; DJ Shim, EPRI; Nate Glunt, EPRI

Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics (PFM) has been a technique used over the years to better quantify uncertainties and more accurately represent the behavior structural nuclear components. It has been used to provide the technical justification for the performance demonstration of Non Destructive Examination (NDE) systems, to rank the locations for Risk Informed In-Service Inspection (RI-ISI), to help define regulations, to optimize requirements and to enhance the technical basis of Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA).

To meet the increasing demand to extend the design life of the existing nuclear power plants to 60 years and beyond, the structural integrity assessment of pressure boundary components is moving away from conservative deterministic assessments to probabilistic assessments in order to quantify the uncertainty in critical input parameters such as material properties (particularly fracture toughness and tensile properties), flaw growth rate, and inspection uncertainty. This movement toward more use of probabilistic techniques is driven by this need, but allowed due to advances in computer capability.

The objective of this tutorial is to provide the audience a high-level summary of the history, development, uses and ongoing strides for regulatory approval of PFM This tutorial includes three modules:

  • Module 1: PFM - History
  • Module 2: PFM – Current technology and uses
  • Module 3: PFM – What's next
  • Module 4: PFM - Regulatory Use and Approval

For Module 1, a discussion on why one would choose probabilistic fracture mechanics over deterministic calculations. What were the application where PFM was first used in nuclear applications. Illustrations will be included that demonstrate on how conventional deterministic analyses may be overly conservative and how best estimate models and proper characterization of uncertainties may be more technically defensible.

For Module 2, the technical subjects focus on the development of state-of-the-art best estimate fracture mechanics models, computational framework, categorization and propagation of uncertainties developing inputs, computer needs, and a summary of currently available and currently used PFM codes.

For Module 3, the technical subjects include what's being planned for future code developments, removing conservatism from PFM codes, advanced and smart sampling, and the strength of PFM user groups

For Module 4, the regulatory perspective of the use and acceptance of PFM Codes is described. How does PFM relate to PRA? What should be considered when using PFM as a basis for a regulatory application. A discussion of successes and challenges of past application that use PFM and the development of guidance to aid licensees.



Tutorial D:
An Overview of ASME Section VIII, Division 3 Design Methods

Daniel Peters, PE, FASME

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII Division 3 is intended to provide requirements applicable to the design, fabrication, inspection, testing, and certification of pressure vessels dedicated to high-pressure vessels, typically those operating above 10,000 psi. This presentation offers a unique perspective on the design methods covered in the code by one who has been engaged in design and manufacture of high-pressure vessels for 30 years and served as committee chair for the past 9 years. Design topics will be discussed in depth and will provide an overview of methods and be used as a companion to Division 3 by Manufacturers and Users of high-pressure vessels.

Daniel T. Peters

Daniel T. Peters, PE*
Atlas Consulting, LLC
16339 Irish Road
Edinboro, PA 16412
Ph: 814-440-8173

*PE in PA, OH, MI, TX, IN, MS, LA, WV, KY, CA,VA, KS, WI, MO

Biography: Mr. Peters has over 30 years experience in the design, manufacture, asset management, and failure assessment of pressure equipment. He has designed equipment from full vacuum to 150,000 psi for a variety of industries and is the founder of Atlas Consulting in 2024. He has also been a part of ASME Codes and Standards for over 25 years. He is a past Chair of ASME Section VIII, Division 3, a position he held for nine years. He has been a member of ASME Section VIII for eighteen years and is currently the Chair of the Board on Pressure Technology Codes and Standards. He is a winner of the ASME Section VIII, Legacy Medal and the 2018 winner of the ASME J. Hall Taylor Award.



Tutorial E:
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering

Dr. Maria Ortiz Zuniga Lopez-Chicheri and Dr. Ross Allen

Maria Ortiz de Zúñiga López-Chicheri, Fusion for Energy, Nawal Prinja, Jacobs Clean Energy Limited, and Tim Dodwell & Anhad Sandhu, digiLab

Tuesday, July 30, 8:15 am – 10:00 am (Part 1), 10:15 am – 12:00 pm (Part 2), and 2:15 pm – 4:00 pm (Part 3)

The artificial intelligence wave has been building up for the last decades and is now at its peak. As the world embraces the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the role of mechanical engineers in industry evolution becomes increasingly pivotal. The "Integrating AI in Mechanical Engineering for Pressure Vessels and Piping" workshop aims to equip mechanical engineers with the knowledge and skills to harness AI technologies for innovation and automation within their field. Mechanical engineering, and more specifically the field of pressure vessels and piping, has recently started exploring AI as a new set of solutions and the potential of its application in the field.

As a summary, this tutorial will delve into the fundamental concepts of AI and its applications in mechanical engineering, providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of how AI can enhance traditional engineering practices.