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Registration Overview

Registration Options Author Only Registration
Through April 29, 2024
Early Bird General Registration
May 6 thru June 3, 2024

June 4 – July 26, 2024
On-Site Registration
Registered Member X $1,050 $1,150 $1,200
Registered Non-Member X $1,250 $1,350 $1,400
Author/Presenter $1,050 X X X
Student Member X $350 $450 $500
Student Non-Member X $450 $550 $600
Student Author/Presenter Note (1) Note (1) Note (1) Note (1)
One Day Member X X X $800
One Day Non-Member X X X $960
Registered Life Member Author X $350 $450 $500
Life Member X $350 $450 $500
Social Tour Options
Monday Tour: Seattle City Tour   $75
Tuesday Tour: ASME Snoqualmie Falls Tour   $75
Workshop Options
Conference Registrant Add – on Expert Workshop, July 31 – Aug. 31   $25
Stand Alone Expert Workshop Registration, July 31 – Aug. 31 (conference registrants please use add on rate)   $350
Additional Guest Options
Honors and Awards Dinner (Wednesday Night)   $75

Note (1): For each Technical Publication and Technical Presentation, a minimum of one author must be registered at the Full Conference Author rate. Student Authors/Presenters may register at the applicable Student Member rate, provided the minimum one full registration requirement is met. Exceptions may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please contact Kim Miceli at with any questions or concerns regarding this process.

Technical Conference Registration Includes:

  • Full Registration Fee includes: Admission to all technical sessions, coffee breaks, opening reception, one (1) ticket for the Honors and Awards Dinner**.
  • One Day Registration Fee includes: Admission to all technical sessions, and coffee breaks for the one day.
  • Cooperating Society: If you are a member of a cooperating society, you may register at the ASME member rate. If you are a member of a cooperating society please contact
  • Student Fee includes: Admission to all technical sessions, coffee breaks, opening and reception. Students not in the Student Paper Competition will be required to buy a ticket to attend the Honors and Awards Dinner**.

**Honors and Awards Dinner Attendance: The attendee must be sure to select the Honors and Awards Dinner option during the registration process. All Guests will require a ticket as well. Attendee will be able to purchase a ticket for a guest during the registration process. Failure to make this selection will result in the Attendee/Guest not having a seat at the dinner as there are a limited amount of seats.

Registration Questions
For registration questions, please contact:
Call: 212-591-7791
Hours: Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm (EST) | Friday 8am – 2pm (EST)