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Venue/Travel Overview


Hotel Bonaventure Montreal
900 Rue De la Gauchetière O
Montréal, QC H5A 1E4, Canada

  • Conference sleeping room rate is discounted at $309 CAD per night plus taxes
  • Complimentary Guest Room internet access is included

The group room block reservation deadline is Friday June 27th, 2025. The room block typically sells out. Please reserve your room as soon as you are able to take advantage of the discounted conference rate and to ensure availability at the conference hotel.

Reservation Links: English | French
Map: View here

View information on traveling to Canada. This link is provided for informational purposes only. Conference attendees must ensure their travel requirements are met.

Letters of Confirmation: You will be able to request your Conference Letter of Confirmation of attendance during the Registration process which will be sent as a PDF attachment via email. Once your fee is paid in full, your letter will be sent. If you require a hard copy confirmation letter to be mailed to you, you may request and pay for a hard copy invitation letter during the registration process for a fee. In order to receive a letter of confirmation you must be a paid registrant of the conference or an author of an accepted paper.

Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to request a confirmation letter through the ASME paper review tool in advance of registration.