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Short Course

Start your education journey at QNDE with a deep dive into a specific NDE topic that will take place before the conference begins.

Joel Harley

Joel B. Harley
Associate Professor
Kent and Linda Fuchs Faculty Fellow
Director, NSF Center for Big Learning
Director, SmartDATA Lab
University of Florida

Description: In this short course the general principles of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning will be discussed. The course will describe common modern machine learning architectures such as (1) feedforward neural networks, (2) convolutional neural networks, and (3) recurrent neural networks.

The course will discuss how and when these architectures can be applied to NDE problems. The course will also explore cutting-edge topics in artificial intelligence that have great relevance to NDE, including uncertainty quantification and physics-informed learning. Practical examples of these architectures in Python will be shown.