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Best Student Paper & Hardware Competition

WHEN & WHERE: ASME 2022 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems
DEADLINE: August 1, 2022

The ASME Aerospace Division, Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Branch is organizing the Best Student Paper Competition as part of the ASME 2022 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS). Entrants will be judged by a committee of smart materials and structures experts. Finalists are required to present their papers at The Student Best Paper Sessions at the conference. The top student paper will be selected from these special oral presentation sessions. All finalists will be honored during the Pioneer Banquet. It is expected that several monetary awards will be presented to the top selected finalists based upon their paper submission.

Evaluation Criteria: The submitted papers and finalist paper presentations will each need to explicitly demonstrate a connection to smart materials, adaptive structures, and integrated systems, and advance the state-of-the-art. Finalists will be judged solely on the paper, and will include criteria such as:

  • Relevance to smart materials, adaptive structures and integrated systems
  • Significance and impact of work
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Completeness and quality of work presented
  • Clarity of the writing and presentation

The overall conference best paper will also be judged on the quality and effectiveness of the oral presentation during the special session.

HOW: Send a PDF copy of your submitted SMASIS paper to: Giovanni Berselli, Università di Genova at

The ASME Aerospace Division, Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Branch is organizing the Best Student Hardware Paper Competition as part of the ASME 2022 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS). Entrants will be judged by a committee of smart materials and structures experts, and a list of finalists will be determined based upon the technical paper. Finalists are required to present their papers at a regular conference session and must participate in a special exhibit session. During the special exhibit session, finalists will demonstrate hardware operation and a present a poster explaining the nature of the project. All finalists will be honored during the Pioneer Banquet. It is expected that several monetary awards will be presented to the top selected finalists based on their paper quality and impact of hardware performance.

Evaluation Criteria: The papers and presentations submitted to the contest will each need to explicitly demonstrate a connection to smart materials, adaptive structures, and/or integrated systems, and represent advancement to the state-of-the-art. Finalists for the hardware exhibit session will be judged on the submitted paper, and will include criteria such as:

  • Relevance to smart materials, adaptive structures and integrated systems
  • Significance and impact of work
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Completeness and quality of work presented
  • Clarity of the writing and presentation

In addition to the criteria listed above, student hardware and the associated poster in the exhibit session will be evaluated based on the following factors.

  • Relevance performance characteristics of the system
  • Integration and concert operation of mechanical, electrical and computer engineering elements of the system
  • Reliability and robustness of operation

The overall best hardware paper will be selected based on quality and effectiveness of the oral poster presentation and hardware demonstration during the hardware exhibit session.

HOW: Send a PDF copy of your submitted SMASIS paper to: Amin Bibo, Clemson University at

Any additional questions about the SMASIS Best Student Paper & Best Student Hardware Competition can be addressed to:

Giovanni Berselli (chair)
Università di Genova, Italy

Amin Bibo (chair)
Clemson University, USA