Congratulations to all the student poster presenters for shaping Turbo Expo's first virtual poster session.
Listed below are the poster presenters recognized as award winning. Poster video presentations, as well as the technical session video presentations may be accessed at the 2020 Turbo Expo virtual event site. Submit your entry to the ASME 2021 Turbo Expo Student Poster Competition by January 31, 2021 via the conference webtool.
First Place $500
Patrick K. Dubois, Universite de Sherbrooke
Paper Title: Thermal Barrier Coating Applied to the Structural Shroud of the Inside-Out Ceramic Turbine: A First Experimental Assessment of the Benefits of Orthotropic Behaviour
Second Place $250
Mavroudis Kavvalos, Malardalen University
Paper Title: Towards a Robust Design Methodology for Growth Engine Concepts
W. M. Rohsenow Prize $100
Daniel Castillo, Imperial College London
Paper Title: Validation of a Thermal History Paint on a Turbine Blade Hot Gas Test Rig Facility
People's Choice $100 Awardee
Louis Christensen, The Ohio State University
Paper Title: Brayton Cycle Compare & Solve: A New Tool for Analysis and Comparison of Brayton Cycle Engines
Special thanks to all those who voted for People's Choice Award, the K-14 heat transfer committee, and volunteer judges from government, academia, and industry who narrowed the poll to these exceptional posters. Be sure to check out all the posters at the virtual poster session before the conference ends.

One major event organized by the SAC is the Student Poster Competition. Presenting a poster is an excellent opportunity to display research outside of a paper while still contributing to the continuing advancements in the turbomachinery community. To be eligible to present a poster, the presenting author must have completed the research presented on the poster while seeking a degree at a university at an undergraduate (Bachelor's) or graduate level (Master's or PhD). Submit your research and contribute to the continuing conversation on advancements in gas and wind turbine technology. Abstracts are due January 31, 2020 to the webtool located on the Turbo Expo Virtual Event. Be sure to submit the abstract to Track 28 Student Poster.
Click here to see the Student Poster Session Guidelines.
Student Poster Deadlines
Submission of Poster Abstracts January 31, 2020
Notification of Poster Abstract Acceptance
February 14, 2020
Submission of Poster Draft for Review
March 5, 2020
Author Notification of Reviewer Responses
April 29, 2020

Congratulations to the winners of the ASME 2019 Turbo Expo Student Poster Competition!
1st Place $500
HEBERT (TREY) HARRISON, " An Investigation of Inlet Distortion Effects on Centrifugal Compressor Performance"
2nd Place $250
LOUIS CHRISTENSEN, " Processing Infrared Images of Rotating Gas Turbine Blades"
People’s Choice $100
XIAO HE, "Towards Improved Prediction of Compressor Flow by Uncertainty Quantification of Spalart-Allmaras Turbulance Model